Chapter 4. 1875 

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My dearest Margaret,
I cannot tell you what a lovely evening I had last night. I felt as if I was on top of the world. I had the pleasure of dancing with one of the most wonderful gentleman I've ever met.
His name is Lord Garrett Bradford, the third son of the Duke of York and youngest brother to the new Duke of York. He is so kind, so sweet, and so humble. Nothing like those other bastards I've had to deal with. The two of us have quite a lot in common, which I am very pleased about.
We have a greed to go on a carriage ride through Hyde Park later today, and I am very much looking forward to it. I am quite anxious to see him again.
I do hope you and Arthur are well. I am looking forward to seeing you next week. I love and miss you dearly my sister.
Rachel smiled down at the letter she had written to her sister. Folding it, she placed it into an envelope and gave it to the Martin page boy. She knew Margaret was going to be pleased upon hearing that she had found a gentleman who she liked.
Vivian walked into the breakfast room and plopped down into the seat across from her sister. "What are your plans for today? "
Rachel took a sip from her tea cup. "Lord Bradford and I are taking a carriage ride through Hyde Park."
Vivian poured herself a cup of tea. "Really? How lovely. However, I don't believe your outing is going to be as lovely as mine."
Rachel put a dollop of cream on to her scone. "And what plans do you and Roger have today?"
Vivian smiled dreamily. "Roger has purchased opera tickets. We are going to see Carmen. The performance is at 7 o'clock this evening."
Rachel. "That does sound very lovely. I hope the two of you enjoy yourselves."
Vivian. "Oh we are, because we are going back to Franklin Park after the show."
Rachel nearly choked on her tea. "You are doing what?"
Vivian smiled wickedly. "You heard me sister. Roger and I are planning on sleeping together tonight."
Rachel shook her head. "The two of you have known each other for only a month!"
Vivian rolled her eyes. "A month and a half Rachel. Besides, Roger wants to make love to me tonight. The only intimate act we have done is kiss and nothing more. We both want to take the next step."
Rachel shook her head. "You know mother is going to have a heart attack if you tell her."
Vivian. "Mother doesn't have to know."
Rachel swallowed hard. She knew Vivian wouldn't be careful, and neither would Roger. She had witnessed the two of them kissing at several events, and had a feeling their wild passion would easily overtake them and allow their common sense to fly out the window.
Vivian nibbled on her scone. "What is your newfound Romance like?"
Rachel glared at her. "If you mean my friendship with Lord Garrett Bradford, it's wonderful. He isn't anything like Roger, I can tell you that. He is a kind and sensible gentleman with a great deal of intelligence."
Vivian. "Do you mean to tell me that Roger doesn't have any intelligence? He attended Cambridge!"
Rachel. "Garrett attended Oxford. He received his bachelors in English literature."
Vivian growled. "How many years did he attend Oxford?"
Rachel. "Four years. If I remember correctly, Roger only attended Cambridge for two years and then decided to leave."
Vivian grumbled. "All right, you are correct on that. But Roger is intelligent when it comes to making wealth. He is very skilled in the trading business."
Rachel. "You have mentioned that on multiple occasions."
Vivian finished her scone, pushing her chair away from the table and rising to her feet. "I must go and get ready for this evening."
Rachel. "Have a lovely time and be careful."
Tossing her head, Vivian turned and walked out of the breakfast room. She wasn't going to allow Rachel Margaret or her mother to ruin her plans with Roger Franklin that night. She was going to be loved and adored by someone who had the same passion and desire that she did.
Shaking her head, Rachel finished her tea and scone before rising from her seat and making her way upstairs to get ready for her rendezvous with Garrett. Her conversation with Vivian was pushed to the very depths of her mind. She wasn't going to think about her sister and her wild behavior for a moment longer. Her focus was now on the dashing gentleman who was going to come and collect her later that day.
Later that day at noon, Rachel was waiting for Garrett in the foyer. Her choice of gown for their outing was a simple sky blue gown of silk with a sweetheart neckline and three-quarter sleeves. Her hair was fixed into a side bun with curls along her left shoulder. She was excited to see him again, wondering what their conversations would be.
The Martin Butler, Frederick, poked his head into the room. "Miss Martin, Lord Garrett Bradford has arrived."
Rachel felt her heart flutter as she watched Garrett walk into the foyer. Her eyes couldn't resist traveling across his muscular frame. He was wearing a white button up shirt under a deep green silk waist coat black trousers black boots and a matching white cravat. His dark emerald eyes glittered with excitement.
Garrett smiled at her, exposing a beautiful trio of pink roses intertwined with a dusty blue silk ribbon. "Good afternoon Miss Martin."
Rachel smiled, taking the bouquet from him. "Good afternoon Lord Bradford. Thank you for the flowers, they are lovely. How did you know roses were my favorite?"
Garrett chuckled. "I believe you told me that roses were your favorite."
Rachel became bright pink. "Did I say that? I don't recall."
Garrett smiled. "That's all right, I recall you telling me that little detail perfectly clear. Are you ready to go?"
Rachel smiled brightly. "Yes."

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