Chapter 14. 1876 

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Margaret and Rachel exchanged a glance, still not able to believe that their sister was expecting again. Both of them had agreed to wait at least a year or so before trying again for another baby.
Vivian. "Isn't it wonderful? I am hoping for a little girl this time. I am wanting to name her Cecily."
Rachel. "Cecily is a lovely name Vivian, but don't you believe it was too soon for you to become with child again?"
Margaret. "Rachel is right. Thomas isn't even a year yet. You're going to have your hands full."
Vivian rolled her eyes, sitting down on the chair opposite her sisters. "I am not going to have my hands full. I'm going to have a nanny take care of the children. Besides, mama wants several grand children. She already has three, and another one on the way."
Margaret. "We just believe it was a bit too soon. However, we are happy for you and Roger."
Rachel. "We certainly are. We hope for another safe and healthy delivery."
Vivian. "Thank you. I'm just over joyed that I am expecting before the two of you again. You should have seen Roger's face when I told him two weeks ago. He was thrilled."
Rachel. "Have you told Mama that you're expecting again?"
Vivian. "I'm going to visit her today and tell her. Roger is taking Thomas to the Franklin Park stables to show him the horses."
Margaret cuddled George against her shoulder. "Isn't Thomas a little young to be around those horses?"
Vivian shook her head. "Nonsense, Roger wants our son to have the finest of everything. He's not going to get him a large horse at first, he's going to get him a pony. I'm sure Garrett and Arthur did the same thing for Charles and George."
Rachel. "Garrett and Arthur want to wait until Charles and George are old enough to ride."
Margaret. "The four of us spoke about when would be the best time for the boys to get their horses, and we agreed either three years old or four years old."
Vivian. "Well, I am not going to wait around until Thomas is able to walk. Roger and I want him to be able to at least feel what it's like to ride a horse. That way he won't be scared."
Rachel was about to reply, but then noticed Gwendolyn poking her head into the room. She smiled sweetly at her lady in waiting. "Yes Gwendolyn?"
Gwendolyn smiled and dropped into a curtsy. "I do apologize for disturbing you my lady, but Mrs. Martin has arrived to see the three of you."
Vivian practically jumped up from her seat. "Oh wonderful, I'll tell her my news now!"
Margaret smiled at Gwendolyn. "Thank you for informing us Mrs. Matthews."
Gwendolyn. "Of course my lady. Would either of you like me to take master Charles or Master George to the nursery?"
Rachel smiled and shook her head. "Not at the moment, thank you. We will take care of them for now."
Margaret. "However, could you please go and ask Melinda Jackson, my lady in waiting, if my jewelry has arrived from France?"
Gwendolyn. "Of course my lady." She turned and left the two of them alone.
Rachel glanced at Margaret confused. "What jewelry did you purchase from France?"
Margaret giggled. "It's not for me, it's for an Arthur. I purchased a special watch from Paris that he has been wanting for aMargaret giggled. "It's not for me, it's for Arthur. I purchased a special watch from Paris that he has been wanting for a while but hasn't gotten around to purchasing it for himself."
Rachel smiled. "I believe he is going to like his surprise."
Margaret. "I think he is going to as well."
The two of them giggled as they watched their boys make soft noises in the back of their throat. They adored motherhood and everything that came with it. They loved Arthur and Garrett to death, and knew the feelings were mutual.
Margaret. "Do you think we should put the boys down for their nap?"
Rachel. "I think that's a good idea."
Rising carefully to their feet, the Viscountess and Baroness walked into the nursery and placed each baby into his separate cradle. Kissing each baby on the cheek, they placed a blanket over them and stepped out of the room. They exchanged a smile, knowing that their lives had become impossibly full of love. And they couldn't wait for that love to grow even more.

The Rake and the Rose (Wicked Desires Book 3)   (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now