Chapter 11. 1875 

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On the morning of 15 September, Rachel was awakened by her mother and Margaret. A smile spread across her face as she realized what the significance of the day was. It was the day of her wedding to Garrett, the day that she would become Lady Rachel Bradford, the right honorable Viscountess Chester. Still smiling like a schoolgirl, she moved into a sitting position and slid out of bed.
Nicolle smiled at her. "You remind me of the day I married your father. I was giddy and nervous as a kitten."
Margaret. "I was excited to marry Arthur."
Rachel smiled. "I am feeling all of those emotions at once."
Margaret hugged her. "It's completely normal to feel all of those emotions. Today is going to be a very momentous day for both of you. I'm sure Garrett is experiencing the same thing."
Rachel hugged her back. "I'm sure he is."
After she was bathed and freshened up, Rachel was helped into her wedding gown. The gown was simple yet elegant. It was composed of white silk with off the shoulder sleeves and cream lace decorating the sweetheart neckline. Small freshwater pearls cascaded along the bodice. The back of the gown was composed of a corset, and the train stretched out 5 feet behind her.
Nicolle handed Rachel her gloves, which were composed of cream lace and decorated with pearls. "You look magnificent my dear."
Rachel smiled at her mother. "Thank you."
Once her hair was fixed into a chignon, completed with her veil of silk, Rachel slid carefully into her matching white slippers with cream silk ribbons. Picking up her bouquet of white and pink roses, she took a deep breath before looking at her mother and sister. "Have either of you seen Vivian?"
Nicole. "She and Roger are going to meet us at Westminster Abby."
Rachel relaxed. She was glad Vivian was going to be at her wedding. Even though they didn't get along very well, she did love her sister dearly.
Arthur poked his head into the room. "Are the three of you ready? I don't believe we want to keep Garrett waiting."
Rachel giggled. "I believe we are ready."
The four of them stepped out of Martin park and climbed into the carriage that would take them to the church. The day was warm and clear, not a single gray cloud hovering in the sky. They settled back against the tufted seat of the carriage as it drove toward Westminster Abbey.
Watching the rolling Hills pass by, Rachel felt completely at ease. Within a matter of hours, she was going to be married to the love of her life. She was going to become a lady of society. She couldn't stop smiling, feeling wave after wave of happiness flow through her.
As the carriage came to a stop in front of Westminster Abby half an hour later, Rachel's happiness continued growing. At last, the moment was nearly upon her. She would walk through those large doors toward her future. She stepped carefully out of the carriage, followed by her mother Margaret and Arthur.
Vivian and Roger were waiting for them, both of them smiling. It was evident as well that Vivian was with child. Her pink silk gown didn't hide her growing belly.
Vivian smiled brightly, rushing forward and hugging Rachel. "You look magnificent!"
Rachel smiled, hugging her back gently. "Thank you, and you look lovely. How far along are you?"
Vivian. "Nearly three months. I discovered I was expecting in July."
Margaret. "Congratulations Vivian. I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby."
Vivian. "Thank you sister. So far everything has gone well."
Margaret. "I'm glad."
The conversation came to a halt as the church bells rang. Everyone knew it was time for the wedding to begin.
Taking a deep breath, Rachel tightened her fingers around her bouquet and stepped through the double doors leading into the church. This was it, the moment that her life was going to change forever. The moment that she saw Garrett standing at the altar, her heart melted.
Garrett was looking dashing, wearing a three piece black silk suit with a white button up shirt matching cravat and black boots. His dark emerald eyes started sparkling as he saw his bride walking down the aisle toward him. She was magnificent.
The minister presiding over the wedding cleared his throat and began to speak. "Dearly beloved, we gather here, in this majestic church, to witness the union of Lord Garrett Bradford, Viscount Chester, and Miss Rachel Martin. Before we proceed, is there anyone here who does not wish for this young couple to be married? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace."
To Garrett and Rachel's relief, no one had any objections to their union. They smiled at each other, knowing that their union was very much supported.
Minister. "Very well. Do you, Lord Garrett Charles Bradford, take this young woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Garrett. "I do."
Minister. "And do you, Miss Rachel Nicolle Martin, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Rachel. "I do."
Minister. "By the power given to me by the Holy Spirit, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride my Lord."
Garrett and Rachel brushed their lips against one another as the crowd of spectators burst into applause. Finally, they were no longer two single individuals. They were united by marriage, husband and wife.
Garrett caressed Rachels cheek. "I love you."
Rachel smiled. "As I love you."
Exchanging one last sweet kiss, the newlywed couple turned and escorted the procession toward the Westminster Abbey Hall for the reception.
Five hours into the reception, Garrett and Rachel moved onto the dance floor to begin the dancing for the evening. Throughout the festivities, they couldn't stop flirting or smiling at each other. They knew what the night was going to hold for them, and they couldn't wait to make their escape.
Rachel smiled as Garrett twirled her. "Are we going to reside at Bradford Park for the night?"
Garrett smiled. "Yes we are my love. And then, for our honeymoon, I thought we could go to Bath."
Rachel. "Bath sounds lovely for our honeymoon my dear. How long can we stay?"
Garrett. "As long as you would like. I have a house on Royal Crescent Street. Number 12."
Rachel smiled as they continued dancing. "I cannot wait to begin my new life with you Garrett. You have made me so happy."
Garrett kissed her softly. "I cannot wait to begin my new life with you Rachel. You have brought me so much happiness."
Their eyes locked in a gaze of love, the new Viscount and Viscountess danced until their feet hurt. They never stopped laughing or smiling, enjoying their newfound love and union. Once the final waltz of the evening came to an end, they made their escape to the carriage that was waiting to take them to Bradford Park.

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