Chapter 20

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Girls in fight! And the offer


At the top of mountain, Kiab panting as she climbed this mountain, now she laying at the ground, 'I should drink a much water if I know this test will be tire like this' thought her trying to get up

She walking a little to find Lekitbot, lucky for her Lekitbot at top of stone in front of her. She goes to Lekitbot but someone stop her

"Hempasan graviti!!" a large stone thrown at her, but lucky she can dodged it. Kiab look at person as she claimed know who thrown the rock to her, it's Yaya

" Yaya!? What are you doing?!" asked her in shocked. "Sorry, but me and others only following the order" said Yaya with guilty face

Kiab take a breath, "I understand, it's only a test" said her, the she look at Yaya, "So, you are my opponent today?" asked her

Yaya shaking his head, "Not only me". "What you mean?" asked Kiab raised her left eyebrow. "What she mean was me!" said other voice, "Tendangan laju!!" as the kick go to Kiab but lucky again, she dodge it, 'So fast lucky I can dodge it'

She look at the person again and smile, "I don't know you will be my opponent too, Ying". It make the chinese girl giggles. "I see it's a girls fight. It's smart all of you make this decision" said her.

" Yes, kind of" said Ying as she and Yaya remember about the discussion
Flash back


Their eyes widened, to what they just hear, "A-are you serious, Admiral?" asked Boboiboy for sure. Admiral Tarung sighs, "Yes but don't worry, we know who the one made Reverse invite their station" said him

" However, not only that. We want you all take a part in the simulation test" said Commander. "So we will fight Kiab?" asked Yaya, like she feel guilty to doing such that even it's only a test

" Yes, however have a fair fight with her" said Commander, then go with Admiral left kokotaim gang there

" Okey, we will focus this test first" said Fang. "Yes, you right. How about we fight her?" suggest Boboiboy but two girls decline that idea

" No!! You guys can't fight her!!" shouted two girls in the same time. "Why not?" asked Gopal. "Ish, Kiab is a girl! Plus she is the only one take this test" said Ying

" Beside, if we let her fight any of you guys, it seems not fair" said Yaya. Boboiboy put his hand at his chin, "Mmm, what you two said was truth actually". Then it click, "Aha, how about you two fight her?" said boboiboy. The gang went silence for awhile


End Flash back
Kiab heard that sweatdropped, "wow" said her bluntly

" However, we will defeat you" said Ying as she go first, " tendangan laju!" but Kiab dodge it

' So fast ' thought her and doesn't realize Yaya at her back, lifting a lot large stone, " Lemparan graviti!" as she thrown all the stone to Kiab

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