Chapter 19

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The last test

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This day is Kiab last test. She and Reverse at the training room after they are ate a breakfast from cafetaria

" Do you think I will pass it?" asked Kiab to Reverse, " Of course you can, I believe with you can do it" said him with a smile

Then Admiral Tarung, Kokoci and Ramenman come from through the door, " Okey, Kiab this is your last test. This test is Trial test or simulation test" said Admiral

' Why I think, there is a hidden agenda behind this?' thought Reverse as he felt misgivings about this and he realized something

" Umm, Admiral where are others?" asked Reverse as he not see Kokotaim gang with them

" Not worry, they are now helping us with something with this simulation" not Admiral but Ramenman answered it and Reverse raised his right eyebrow in suspicious

" Alright, so what is my test?" asked Kiab who now has been marginalized whole those time (sorry not sorry Kiab)

" Ehem, your test is get Power sphera, named Lekitbot at Planet Stic'nic" said Admiral and Commander showing those planet through the hologram

" All the plants at those planet so sticky that made it not like others normal planet, so don't playfully to touch it" warned Commander

" But those plants help other in heal the injuries like freeze the injuries for a long time, in about 6 hours or more, even there an acids plants can corrosive the skin but it can be nature by using Alkokila plants, it's an alkali pland and it's were at the same planet with those acids plants but it's rare to be find" said a voice, they know this voice and turn their face

Turn out it from Reverse. The high-ups shocked after heard his explaination. To be honest, they never know about that information because usually all plants at those planet are dangerous to them like Reverse mention before. Reverse can know this?!

" H-how you can know about that information?" asked Commander who now still shocked

Reverse who realize it quickly close his mouth with his two hand, 'What I just say' thought himself. After he calming himself he look at the high-ups and Kiab, who still waiting his answer, " I......I don't know......It's suddenly come from my mouth and I not realize it......maybe it has a connection with my past..?" explain Reverse

Even himself still know why and how it can suddenly come from his devil-/plak/ mouth. The high-ups and Kiab understand it, to them Reverse really mysterious even he don't know his own past life, is it why Fainant really mystery?

" However, Kiab are you ready for your final test?" asked Admiral to Kiab for change a subject

" Yes!" said her with confident tone. The high-ups nodded to each other, Admiral say, " Good! Ochobot!!"

Then the yellow floating ball come out from the door, " Yes Admiral?" asked him, " Open the portal now!!" said Admiral. " Baik, kuasa teleportasi" and the portal show up

Reverse and Kiab look at the portal with awed look, but there make Reverse ever felt there someone-? he knew at behind that portal.

Admiral give a tablet Kiab as she take it. Then Kiab just through the portal as the little drone followed after her.

As Kiab and that drone through it the portal close, Reverse look at the higher-ups. " Did you all made Boboiboy and others become opponent to Kiab?" asked Reverse. Everyone shocked even Ochobot

" How?!" can't help but kokoci asked. "I can sense their aura from behind that portal. You guys should tell me first though" said Reverse with his arm crossed and pouted. The high-ups and the power sphera look away from looking at albino orange with slightly chuckled









At planet Stic'nic, Kiab look around ' wow this planet has a many plant that sticky around' thought her as she look at the power sphera signal. " Lekitbot must be there" said her as she look at the mountain in front her. She just go that mountain, meanwhile the drone look what she doing

At Tempur-A station, the high-ups with Reverse look at monitor where they can watch Kiab walking to a mountain, " So, along the way she will through they putted the trap?" asked Reverse to Ochobot. " Yes, It help for make Kiab become slowdown a bit" said Ochobot

They look at the monitor again. Kiab walking normally before......... the large log come somewhere and about to hit Kiab but lucky she dodged it. ''s a trap!!' she get up and start running to the mountain quickly but it's hard because the trap is everywhere

Again at station, everyone watching the screen carefully. " I admit she doing it well" said Ramenman and two high-ups nodded. " But.." suddenly someone said and make other turn their head. " Whats wrong Reverse?" asked Ochobot. " Nothing, they just must those trap more harder, it's look like a playground for children to me" said him honestly and everyone look at him shocked and disbelief

" I know you guys shocked why 'I' said like that? That because I'm Demure" explain him as everyone ooh-ed, understand. " But why are you still in Reverse's form?" asked Ochobot

Demure sighs, " Easy for all of you understand, I'm only take over his mind but not his body"

" But why?" asked a commander to him. "Well, suddenly Reverse sleeping while standing " said him spontaneously

Others heard this shocked, 'He sleeping while standing?! Is he copy Ais or something?!' thought them in the same time


Ais: All of name, why you choose my name?


Me: There no one can beat you in sleep topic

Ais: I hate to said this, but you are right

Little talk with the elemental because why not?


" Uh, Demure can you switch to Reverse?" asked Ramenman. It made the said elemental raised his eyebrow in weird, "Why I must switch with him? You want him kiss the floor or what?" said him sternly to them

'Heis right but he has made the fact unreasonable' thought them in the same time. They forget it and look at the monitor again

Back to Kiab, she doing this test very alright but she can passed the trap. She now at feet of the mountain, she look at up at it, then to tablet. 'Well it will take a little time' thought her as she began climb it







"Is she now climbing it?" said a boy who wearing a weird cap. "Yes she is" answered a boy wearing a purple visor. "Okey now a last one. It's your turn......Yaya, Ying"





Well, it's been awhile a make this chapter, I always decline to continue this chapter and not completely this, for a long time but I managed to finish it

Hope you all enjoys this chapter, and waiting for the next one (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯

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