Chapter 22 (Epilogue)

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Left the star shine


After locked down the Spirit Hunter Gang on Tempur-A's prison. After that, others do their own work like Reverse goes to library for the first time after spend his time repairing his power sphera friend

Reverse reading a books that catch his interesting, meanwhile others Kokotaim gang want do something as a group

Right now, they in the cafetaria eating a food after a mission. "Hey, do you all think this mission like not give us a special experience to Reverse at all?" asked Ying suddenly

"Just ask the author, she the one who made that horrible script" said Gopal spontaneous with deadpanned look

Me from behind; "What the- Gopal!! That's no part of the script!!" exclaimed me

"When it will be my turn?" asked Reverse, who was at behind the screen all this time. "Please shut up Reverse" said me in anger but with the low voice

"When this chapter will end? I want go to home, so I can playing a new of Papa-" before Gopal finish his whining, Author/I thrown a bottle that made of aluminium to him. Others were shocked at this as they look at Gopal then to me. I take a deep breaths, then say "How about we take a rest for 15 minutes?"

Others nodded their head quickly, as I left them and take a rest for myself. 'What happened just now?!' thought them in the same time also with an unreadable expression

~Back to main story~

"Yeah I think you are right. The bad aliens we faught really weak and unchallenging. Maybe because of Reverse's plan" said Fang as he have his carrot doughnut, then take a bite of it. "If to be think again Reverse really smart than us" Boboiboy said

"That's right, but what should we do to?" asked Yaya while others thinking some ideas. Boboiboy also included to this as he thinking what will he do when the people he beloved so much, will left him to somewhere

Then it click, "I have an idea!" as he look at his friends with a stars eyes. Rest of them look at him confused, "Let's get a help from him!"
Meanwhile with Reverse, he already read 120 books for 1 hour (I don't think there someone ever do that)

He really like the books he read, of course. Right now he at library reading 121-th book, right now almost a finale page. During reading he will remember the past when he still working to that alien, even it's been a weeks but it's still fresh to him like it just happened to him from yesterday

One the memory he remembered is, how he can end up created wrap manipulation using an upgraded method of his first power but with other way. It happened when he get the elemental and doesn't have a work to do.


Right now with that boy/Reverse have a free time for rest or spend his time with his elementals that he just met for 1 week ago

His elementals at outside of his watch because he need to upgrade his watch become stronger than old one because of the energy the elemental hold are too strong for his current system watch

"How I want to upgrade this watch?" mumbled Reverse as he put his fingers at his chin while sitting at his chair. "Maybe if I take a sample of their power I can created a strongest system along with the energy" said Reverse when he realized it

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