16. Fight Back

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The next morning I woke up startled to a vigorous knocking on my bedroom door. "Hello, who is it?" I called out rubbing my eyes and letting them adjust to the brightness in my room.

As soon as we got off the boat trip last night I thanked uncle BJ and decided it would've been  best to come back home rather than stay in the chateau with someone who refused to treat me like a normal person. I was furious at John b for acting like that and I wasn't expecting it at all. Hopefully it's just him and no one else though or I may actually go insane.

My door swings open to reveal my mother's face. "Hey mum. I didn't know you were back." I got up out of my bed and walked over to her. " Well that should be a lie but of course its not is it Lorrena. My workers were going to tell you when I was coming back but they couldn't as I was informed you haven't been here the whole time I have been gone." She started raising her voice at me in anger.

I didn't really know what to say but I couldn't tell her I have been locked up for nearly a month she would kill me on the spot there and then. "Oh yh, sorry about that I felt kind of lonely here by myself because Sawyer wasn't here some of the time so I went to the chateau." I don't understand why this is such an issue, she can't just expect me to stay in my room and do nothing for a month.

"Lorrena what did I tell you about going out and not coming home before curfew?" Is she serious right now with this, she never even set me a curfew. "You weren't here. You just got up and left all of a sudden without any
Warning but a note after you left. I was by myself in this huge ass place which I'm not very familiar with and you except a 16 year old to be back by a curfew you didn't even set." I rolled my eyes at her in frustration. "Again if you were here my workers would have told you to be back by 9pm if you left the house." This was so stupid and it was making me feel like a prisoner again. I may aswell of stayed locked up in prison that way I wouldn't have to sit here and listen to this women scream abuse in my face. "Well I can't be the perfect daughter you want me to be." I shouted back.

"I hope you happy with yourself young lady because your grounded. We have midsummers to attend to later so you will have a dress fitting soon but apart from that you will not be leaving this room!" She screamed in my face and slammed the door locking it behind her.

I hate that women so much I don't even think I consider her as my own mother anymore. If this had happened a month ago I would probably be sat in my room feeling sorry for myself but not anymore I didn't give a shit what Caroline did. I wasn't scared of her in the slightest.

I went into my bathroom and grabbed my secret stash of weed, rolled a blunt and sat out on my balcony. I didn't give a shit who saw me up here I just need to calm down especially if I was going to go to midsummers later tonight. I put some music on my phone and started singing as I hit my blunt.

'My heart's seen things I wish it didn't,
Somewhere I lost some of my innocence,And I miss it, i miss it, stay up all night thinking it's twisted,
My life's been survival of the fittest,But I did it,I did it, I do all my own healing, Manage all of my feelings, I don't ask for help, no, Cause I don't need it, Cause I don't need it, Sometimes I wish I could do something stupid, Be kinda reckless while I can, say I don't give a damn,
But I'm older than I am, i could get hurt and get some scars to prove it, Just say to hell with all my plans, Cause I don't give a damn, But I'm older than I am'

Honestly, I never accepted that the trauma I have experienced has effected me for life. I had been  mentally and physically abused and although I delt with it and got over it, I never actually accepted it.

I snapped out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed and my high hit me pretty quickly because looking at my phone screen made my head go woozy. It was a message from Sarah letting me know that she is now leaving her house to come round to do our hair and nails together for midsummers. Fuck I forgot  that we planned this ages ago. How is Caroline going to react when she finds out Sarah's coming?

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