Chapter 3

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A/N: just wanna say black glacier hit a milestone of 10 reads! appreciate it and please share because I wanna hit 100 reads🙏🙏 i also think I might post every weekend less stressful for me <3

Lux's POV

"wake up. wake up. wake up. wake up. wake up." i was dreaming but the dream was so weird? it was just a voice telling me to wake up. I guess I should probably listen to it and wake up.

when i started to open my eyes i just sat there taking in my environment. and then i come to realize what was happening.

i had my arm around Frostsia and we were cuddling???!? i had no clue how this came about but it was happening.

she was still asleep and i could hear her snoring and i was scared to move. i tried to remember what happened last night for this to happen

"weren't we watching a scary movie? so how'd we end up like this!?" i thought to myself. then i noticed that Frostsia wasn't snoring anymore and i heard a yawn.

she was waking up.

when she was somewhat fully awake i had no clue what to do so i didn't move a muscle. she then suddenly turned around facing me and just looked me in the eye.

i saw that she was not expecting me to be awake so we just stared at each other in an awkward silence. i noticed that her face was beat red, like reaaally red.

"good morning..?" i say to the glaceon who looked like she just saw a ghost type. she was silent.

then the funniest thing happened. I'm not sure why she did it but she rolled off the couch and walked off somewhere.

i couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the fact she just fell off her own damn couch and the fact this was the first time i seen her this red.

i decided that i should get up as well as i planned to explore more of the campus today. it was already 11 am so i wanted to get going before some of the buildings closed.

when i got off the couch and was about to leave frostsia's dorm I heard a voice tell me to wait.

"Wait! Lux don't go yet, wanna have breakfast?" i glanced over at her and I noticed a little detail. her demeanor from yesterday is different, she's more shy and she's the one usually teasing me.

"sure ill hang around for breakfast" I said and I walked towards the kitchen. 

"do you mind if I make breakfast today Frostsia?"

"I don't mind lux"

and with the confirmation I went to work. I decided to make hashbrowns and eggs. I got the hashbrowns from the freezer and eggs from the fridge.

i grabbed a pan and turned on the stove to preheat. a little trick I learned from my mom when I lived in the countryside was to put a little bit of water in the pan and to put the pan on the stove. when the water would evaporate that's when you put in your stuff.

after the water evaporated i put in some butter and then the hashbrowns, I let the hashbrowns cook for a while and then put the eggs into the same pan.

i stirred it around for a little bit and monitored it.

it was ready!

I turned off the stove and moved the pan to another burner, I grabbed some plates and split the food i just made equally.  i grabbed both plates and brought it to the table where the glaceon was sitting.

"Thanks luxy, this looks good!" she responded and started it to eat.

"there she says it again that nickname.. i think ill make one for her! maybe frosty?" i think to myself looking across the table to see frostsia enjoying her food. 

"No problem frosty"


the room went quiet, she looked up from her food to look at me and she was blushing quite hard. no words came out of her mouth but the look she gave me was practically saying 'interesting'. 

i continued to eat my food and enjoy the company of my best friend.

Frostsia's POV

after i was done eating with lux i thought i should tell him how i really feel about him. i waited till after we both finished eating so that i could have his full attention.

"Lux?.. i have something to tell you" i was getting nervous wondering if he felt the same way about me.

"Yeah whats up frostsia?"

"i-i like you.." i finally told him and got it off my chest. i knew i was blushing and i knew it was noticeable but i couldn't help it. i wasn't even able to maintain eye contact with lux.

it felt like an hour went by but it was only 30 seconds. I was so nervous waiting for a response.

"I like you too frostsia! your my best friend!" he looked at me and smiled and then grabbed our plates and brought it to my sink.

i didnt know what to think. i had just gotten friendzoned by the one mon i had a crush on, it hurt a bit but i guess he just didnt see me that way. i felt lost, and sad knowing he only saw me as a best friend.

I tried to stay happy and smiled at him. but deep down I was hurt. really hurt.

"who knows maybe he might see me romantically in the future.." I thought to myself as he came back to the table.

Lux's Pov

i sat back at the table and looked at frostsia. i could feel something is off but i dont know what, i may not have the skills to read emotions like a Hatterene or to sense aura like a Lucario but i knew something changed.

i decided to not look into it because it could be something sensitive. i just remembered that i wanted to go exploring around the campus!

"hey frosty wanna go look at the campus?" i ask looking at the glaceon

"sure I'm down" she replied in a monotone voice.

we both got up and got ready to leave her dorm and went out on our journey!

A/N: i wanted to continue the chapter to there adventure of campus in this chapter but what i had planned would make this easily 2000+ words so ill split it up

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