Chapter 5

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"Where am I? How am I back home! I swear I was at college.."  I was back at home and it felt odd somehow, it didn't feel real.

I was at my houses living room and all of a sudden I hear a loud crash. I look behind me and I couldn't help feel frightened.

When I looked in the direction of the loud crash I saw them. My parents. Dead on the kitchen floor. Blood was pooling under them and I felt scared.

I couldn't help but start to cry, I was crying like a sobble. I was just paralyzed at the sight of my dead parents. I felt hollow.

Then I saw it, the mon who did this to my family. Its hands covered with my parents blood. It started to walk towards me and I was stuck. It felt like someone was holding me down keeping me from running away. The mon got closer and closer and right when it was about to hit me.

I woke up.

I woke up crying and scared of my surroundings not realizing where I was. "Thank god that was a dream.. it felt so real. worse nightmare I've had in a while." I thought to myself as i was looking around frantically. 

"Lux are you okay!?" I heard coming from beside me on the bed. it was frostsia! I couldn't help it but my emotions got the best of me, I hugged her almost instantly after she said that. I just needed someone.

she was surprised but she saw that I was crying and hugged me back. i knew today was going to be a bad day, but with frost around i knew it would be somewhat better.

we just hugged in silence and i was trying my best to not cry in front of my friend and i barely did. i found it so embarrassing to cry in front of other people it makes me feel weaker then i already am.

"Lux if you need to cry then let it out. it wont change how i view you" frostsia said in a soft tone. after she said that i couldnt help it i just started sobbing. 

after a couple minutes I stopped hugging her and i said "thank you frostsia. i really needed this." i looked her in the eyes.

"I love you" i told my best friend. i'm not sure why but she started to blush really red. 

"Frost are you okay? was it something i said!?" i was worried as her face was as red as a flareon. she avoided looking at me and was acting very meek.

"L-Lux do you understand what you just said?" she said very quietly.

"uhhh yeah i said i love you! doesnt that mean that you appreciate someone? thats what my parents taught me!" i replied thinking i sounded smart.

"Um, lux Love means that you like.. like someone." she said replying to me. i then realized what i said. i basically just said i wanted her to be my girlfriend... but would it really be that bad?

"hm. well even still i love you!" i said looking towards frost. she got excited and looked at me. 

"Does that mean you want to me my mate?!?" she was puzzled.

"i-i mean yeah... if you want to be" i was hoping i wouldn't get rejected by the girl i spent all my time with... id be very lonely.

"yes i do!" before i had time to even react she kissed me. oh. my. Arceus. 

my face turned bright red and i tried to cover it. I was so embarrassed i couldn't even look my best friend now turned girlfriend? in the face.

"that was my first kiss." i told her still looking away from her out of embarrassment.

"mine too!" she was so happy, she really has no shame. 

"now that i think about it. didn't she say she liked me a while ago? did she mean... this kinda like and not a friend ship kind of like? now i understand why she was upset that day... i didn't understand what she meant!" i decided not to mention my realization to my girlfriend... yet at least.

we both ended up cuddling together and falling back asleep. college was starting next week, i want to have as much fun before it starts!

A/N: i know this chapter was shorter{and kind of rushed} then usual but i really wanna progress the story, I've got some ideas id like to see play out!

special thanks to @Ghost348 for being my main source of motivation! thank you!

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