Chapter 10

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when i got back from my mini date with frostsia, instead of going to her place i felt like sleeping at mine. there was a letter that was on the floor where the mail slot would be.

"Wow a letter? Probably from my parents" i muttered to myself as i pickup the envelope from off the floor. I tore the seal and began reading the note.

"Dear, Our sweet son.

we hope college is going well for you so far! and make your your paying attention in your classes or else mom will get mad. we just wanted to see how your doing and if you would like to visit us soon? just send us a text or call us if your available. OH one more thing son, me and your mother are wondering if you have a girlfriend? knowing you and your charm you probably do, feel free to bring her along on your visit.

- your  dad and mom <3"

after reading the letter i put it back into the envelope and put it with the rest of the letters i get from my parents. they are so weird sometimes they prefer to send letters instead of texting me, even though  they have my number.

"hmm ill ask frost if she's down" i said. i felt like asking her now, so i left my dorm and went across the hallway and knocked on the door. Frostsia answered the door almost instantly and gave me a hug and a kiss

"Hey luxy!" she grinned, still holding on to me. "hey hun, wanna come on a trip with me? to like visit my parents?" i replied as she finally let me go. we walked into her dorm and sat together on the couch.

"hmm yeah sure i'm down, but when?" she asked. "i was thinking next week because we will have a break then right?" i replied. Frostsia nodded in agreement so all that was left was to tell my parents. "i'll text them later i wanna hangout with frost right now" i thought to myself before me and frost start finding something to do.


It was finally the day me and frostsia visited my parents. Since it was the first day of our winter break, we decided to spend a couple nights there. We waited In the lobby with our bags for our taxi to come.

"Frosty I think our taxi is here" I said pointing towards the yellow vehicle parked in front of the entrance. The driver, was a blastoise wearing a flat cap. Myself and Frostsia picked up our bags and put them into the truck, then we got into the back of the car

the drive was rather quiet at the start, it started to rain and I just looked at the rain droplets on the window. The sound of the pitter-patter from the rain made me feel so relaxed I ended up falling asleep, on frostsia that is.

when I started to wake up, I looked outside of the window and realized that we were finally in my hometown. I try to get frostsia to look but shes fast asleep, I decided that its best for her to sleep in. She will see the town later anyways.

just as i was looking out seeing the nostalgic town, the blastoise drives into my parents house's driveway. "alright guys we're here." he shouted, trying to wake the both of us up. I nudged frostsia awake and told her we are here.

We got out of the car, and began to take our bags out of the trunk. we thanked the driver and walked up to the door and rung the bell. this was probably the most nerve racking thing I've ever done. My parents were about to meet my girlfriend?!

Then, my parents open the door with a huge grin on their faces. I could tell they were up to no good...

A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger but i wanted to publish this as quick as possible, and thank you guys so much for the recent support it motivates me to write more. like a lot more. i really do appreciate it.

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