Chapter Two

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Bruce Wayne left Gemma to Alfred, who led her up to her new room.

"Master Bruce said that you may go shopping later, to buy some new clothes and things for your room." Alfred explained.

Gemma nodded and Alfred left.

Standing alone in the strange room, Gemma sat down on the bed. She opened the box of pictures, and started flipping through them. The top picture was her father and Bruce Wayne infront of Wayne Enterprises. Could she trust this man? It was clear her father trusted him, but who knows how long ago that was. Gemma couldn't had felt more nervous.

She started unpacking, when someone knocked on the door. Gemma quickly turned to find a tall boy with black shaggy hair staring at her.

Gemma quickly took a step and shook a little bit.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you." The boy entered the room.

"S-sorry." Gemma stuttered. "It's a habit."

"So... Bruce told me there was someone new staying with us." He started.

"Wait. You're Tim?" Gemma had expected Tim to be a brother of Bruce. Someone older. And not this attractive.

Wait, no. She did NOT find Tim attractive. She would not let that happen.

Tim nodded.

"And you're Gemma." He smiled, "Bruce wanted me to tell you that you're gonna go to Gotham Academy with me from now on."

Gemma could handle school, but a fancy academy? No way.

Tim must have been able to tell what she was thinking from her expression.

"Don't worry. I'll help you get around and everything."

"Thanks.." Gemma replied.

Tim came closer to her, looking at her belongings.

"Need any help unpacking?" Tim asked.

It didn't seem like Tim was truly asking her, because he walked right on over and helped put away some of Gemma's shirts.

The silence had just about reached awkwardness until Tim decided to break it.

"So..." He stretched out the word. "Gemma... Like Gemini?"

"Yeah. My dad was kind of into the number two. He was pretty disappointed that I wasn't a twin..." Gemma explained, very quietly.

"You're dad... He wasn't... Ya know.." Tim had trouble asking.

"He was." Gemma looked down. "But he really wasn't that bad... He always wanted to protect me. He didn't want me to live the way he did." She smiled slightly, but her expression went solemn when she added, "He started fighting himself more and more though... Sometimes my dad would win... But other times..."

"Two-Face would win." Tim finished for her.

Gemma felt tears sting her eyes, and Tim looked at her with concern. They had just met, but he already wanted to make her feel welcome. Both of them had lost their parents later in life, so he knew first hand how hard this would be for her.

"He was a good man." Tim and Gemma turned to see Bruce standing in the doorway.

Bruce walked into the room and up to Gemma and Tim.

"I see you've met Tim." Bruce said to Gemma.

She nodded and wiped her eyes to keep the tears from coming.

"Come on Tim. Let Gemma get some rest."

Bruce and Tim left, leaving Gemma once again alone in her new bedroom.

Deciding to take Bruce's advice, Gemma laid down and wrapped herself in a cocoon of blankets. It wasn't long until she drifted off into a deep sleep. Getting "adopted" by Gotham's richest bachelor, moving in with him, his butler, and a guy her age, and finding out she would be attending Gotham City's most prestigious academy could really drain a person.

As Gemma started falling asleep, a memory played back in her head...

"Happy birthday, baby girl!" Harvey Dent, Gemma's father greeted her as she walked down the stairs of their house.

"Daaaad." Gemma complained stretching out the word. "I'm 12 now!"

"But you'll always be my little girl." Her father replied, handing her a cupcake with strawberry icing, her favorite.

She blew out the candle on top and bit into the cupcake.

"Your cake isn't ready yet, the cupcake will have to do." Harvey said.

"Thanks Dad." Gemma smiled.

"Want to open a present before I leave?"

Gemma immediately nodded and her father handed her a nicely wrapped gift.

She neatly unwrapped the present to find a new hard back copy of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

A grin spread across Gemma's face. Her dad new she loved to read, especially the classics.

"Thanks dad." Gemma hugged her dad.

"You're welcome." He smiled, "I have to go now, I'm defending someone in court today. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can and then we can go out for a birthday dinner. Deal?"

Gemma nodded and waved to her dad as he walked out the door.

Gemma woke up and thought about her dream. One of her favorite memories she has left of her and her dad. It took place only 2 years ago. A lot could happen in such little time... Gemma unwrapped herself from her cocoon of blankets and grabbed another one of the few things she had brought with her; the copy of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde that her dad had given her. She took it and slide in under her pillow. She couldn't risk anything happen to it. The book was too special.

Two-Sided (Batman fan fiction, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now