Chapter three

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Bruce Wayne paced in his study. He couldn't stop thinking of what he has just done. What had he been thinking? Taking an almost 14 year old girl in? He could barely manage Tim! And with him being Batman, he didn't know how he could take care of Gemma.

Bruce knew Tim would help, he could already tell Tim felt connected to Gemma. But there was only so much Tim could do. He had his own life, he was Robin, and he was just a kid. A few months older than Gemma.

Bruce already felt attached to Gemma. He was going to protect her. Harvey would have wanted him to, right?

But Bruce knew nothing about teenage girls, and he doubted Alfred and Tim knew much more than he did. There was always Barbara Gordan... Yes! That was it! He would get Barbra to come over tomorrow and take Gemma shopping! They could bond and then Gemma would have a female role model. 

Bruce picked up the phone and dialed Barbra's apartment number.

"Hello?" A man's voice answered the phone.

"Dick? Is that you?" Bruce asked.

"Yup. What's up Bruce?" Dick, the first Robin and now Nightwing, greeted his old mentor.

"Is Barbara around? I need to talk to her." Bruce replied.

"Just a sec." Dick called off in a distance, "Barbra! Bruce is on the phone! He needs to talk to you."

"Hello?" Barbara's voice said on the other line.

"Hello Barbara."

"Hey Bruce! Is something wrong?"

"No... Not exactly..." Bruce started.

He filled her in on the situation with Gemma before asking for her help.

"Of course!" She replied. "I would love to talk to her. The more at home she feels the better. Dick and I can drive down tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Barbara. I'll see you and Dick tomorrow. Good bye." Bruce hung up.

Meanwhile, Gemma came out if her room to look for Alfred. She was starving, having not eaten for at least 12 hours.

"Alfred?" She called.

Tim popped his head out of a room Gemma passed.

"Yes?" Tim imitated Alfred's accent.

Gemma giggled a little bit.

"Do you know where the kitchen is? I want to make a sandwich." Gemma replied.

"Follow me." Tim said.

Gemma did as told and pushed her dark blonde hair behind her ears.

Tim led her down to the kitchen and opened the giant pantry.

"What type of sandwich do you want?" Tim asked.

"No, I got i-" But Tim wouldn't let Gemma finish.

He already got out the bread, so Gemma got out the peanut butter.

"Do you guys have nutella?" Gemma looked in the pantry.

"Nutella and peanut butter?" Tim looked at her like she was crazy.

"And bananas!" Gemma grinned. "It sounds kinda weird, but it's really good."

"In that case..." Tim started. "I'll make one for me too."

Tim spread the peanut butter and nutella on the wheat bread and Gemma peeled a banana and sliced it in perfect sandwich size slices. She passed them to Tim, who put them on the sandwiches.

"Crust, or no crust?" Tim asked.

"No crust, please." Gemma replied, pouring lemonade into two glasses.

Tim cut the ends off the sandwiches, and handed one on a plate to Gemma. She handed him a glass of lemonade and they sat down together.

"Well.." Tim picked up his sandwich. "Here goes nothing!" He took a huge bite out of his nutella, peanut butter, and banana sandwich. "Mmmm yum! You're right Gemma, this is a good sandwich!"

Gemma grinned and munched on her sandwich. They ate together in peace, and very little talking. This was a relief to Gemma since she was starving and was stuffing her face in a very "unlady-like" manor.

But Gemma didn't think Tim cared, and she was right, he didn't. He was too busy enjoying his sandwich. Tim did notice how happy Gemma seemed, and that made him happy too.

Tim knew he had just met Gemma less than 8 hours ago, but he already had an attatchment to her, True, Tim was a people person, but Gemma seemed different. He wanted her to like living at Wayne Manor and going to Gotham Academy. Bruce had already made him promise to look after her a bit. How hard could that be? He was the 3rd Boy Wonder after all.

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