Chapter Twelve

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Okay so this chapter, the Batfamily reunion will continue... And we go a bit into Gemma's backstory. Sorry for the language used to talk about Damian in this chapter, but based off of the comics, it's pretty accurate.

Hope you enjoy reading it!

Comment with feedback please please please.

The day passed and the mansion felt less lonely and empty.

Gemma, Tim, and Cass chilled outside. The weather was warm, and the sun was out, something rare for Gotham in January. Gemma sighed as she sat between Cass and Tim, letting the sun soak into her skin.

"Are you okay with Jason?" Cass turned to talk to Tim.

"I don't know. I mean, people don't just come back from the dead. I don't things are ever gonna be the same." Tim replied.

"How did he... Ya know...." Gemma struggled to find the right words.

"Die? Bruce will say it was his fault, but in reality it was Joker..." Tim explained.

"J-joker?" Gemma stuttered.

"Yes, did you know him?" Cass said.

"I know who he is. A little too well." Gemma clenched her teeth.

"Wait. Your leg. Did he-" Tim started.

Gemma cut him off, "Yes. Joker was mad at my dad, decided he had to pay. Joker basically kidnapped me. He cut my skin. Most of the scars faded away, but the one on my leg... The biggest one. There was acid on the blade. It's never going away." Gemma felt tears threatening to pour over just thinking about the event.

"What happened then?" Cass asked quietly.

"Batman and Robin saved me. He probably doesn't remember, it was like 5 years ago." Gemma said.

"4 years ago? That's when Jason was Robin..." Tim thought aloud.

"Then I owe Jason and Bruce my life." Gemma sighed.

Then, Jason and Stephanie walked out, holding hands. Steph walked over to where Tim, Cass, and Gemma were sitting and Jason followed.

"Hi, I don't think we properly met. I'm Stephanie, but everyone calls me Steph." Stephanie smiled.

"I'm Gemma." Gemma introduced herself.

There was an awkward silence and Stephanie nudged Jason.

"Say hi Jason." Stephanie urged.

"Hi." Jason said.

Stephanie rolled her eyes, "We'll work on your greetings later. Anyways, Bruce told us to let you know that if you want, Jason and I can take you down to see Helena tomorrow. So you can start your training."

"Sounds like a plan. Thanks Steph! And thanks Jason." Gemma grinned.

"You look familiar." Jason said.

"You saved me." Gemma blurted.

Jason and Stephanie looked confused.

"You saved me from the Joker." Gemma explained. "Like 5 years ago. I was eight."

"You're Two-Face's daughter." Jason realized.

Gemma nodded.

"I never got to thank you." Gemma told Jason.

"I was just doing my job." Jason smiled.

"DINNER." Alfred called outside.

Cass, Gemma, Tim, Jason, and Stephanie walked inside and sat down with Bruce, Dick, and Barbara.

Bruce still seemed fed up with all the children (there's a reason why he never had more than 3 in the Manor at the same time.) and Alfred handed him some Advil, most likely for his headache.

Gemma looked at everyone at the table, and couldn't help smiling. She had a real family now. A crazy, mixed up, crime fighting family.

While Gemma was deep in thought about her new life, the doorbell rang.

"Oh no. Enter the little shit." Tim muttered, and Gemma tried not to giggle.

This kid can't be that bad, Gemma thought to herself. He's just a kid. Tim was probably just being overdramatic. Then again, Gemma saw how uncomfortable Jason and Steph looked, and thought twice.

Gemma turned and saw a mini Bruce staring at her. He had the same jet black hair and clear blue eyes. Wait, how come Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all looked like that? She would ask later.

"And who are you?" Damian asked, eyes narrowed at Gemma.

"I'm Gemma. I live here." Gemma explained.

"Father, I do not approve of this 'Gemma' and I want her gone."

Tim rolled his eyes, "You don't get everything you want Damian. Gemma is here to stay."

"Shut up, Drake." Damian addressed Tim by his last name.

Tim was right, Damian is a little shit, Gemma thought.

"Hello Cassandra." Damian greeted Cass.

"Hi Damian." Cass replied.

"He has a major crush on Cass." Tim whispered over to Gemma. "And Supergirl."

"He does know Cass is 16, right?" Gemma whispered back.

Tim nodded and chuckled to himself.

Everyone talked and laughed at dinner, with Damian in the corner repeatedly snorting "tt" when Stephanie and Tim talked.

This kid was totally Bruce's son.


Okay thanks for reading everyone! Please please please comment and vote, etc

I have a quick favor to ask from you guys. I would like you guys to comment ideas about who you want to be Damian Wayne in this story (Like the cast) Please comment your ideas!

I love you all!

P.s. Am I the only one who thinks Bruce/Batman is totally a matchmaker in the comic books?

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