Chapter Four

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The rest of the day went on rather slowly. After eating lunch, Tim went to the gym in the mansion to work out and Gemma went exploring. After getting lost multiple times, Gemma found her room. Not wanting to get lost any more, she turned in for the night. It was a dreamless sleep, and Gemma was thankful for that. She couldn't handle another memory of her dad.

The next morning, Bruce knocked on Gemma's door. She groggily sat up and told Bruce to come in.

"Did I wake you up?" Bruce asked.

"No." Gemma lied.

"I wanted to let you know that some friends of mine are coming over this morning."


"Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson. Barbara is going to take you shopping." Bruce explained.

"Ok.." Gemma panicked a bit.

"We'll see you in a few minutes." Bruce left and closed the door.

Gemma hopped out of bed and went to pick out an outfit for the day. Not really sure what to wear, she pulled her favorite t-shirt over her head. It was a gift from her favorite uncle, Uncle Jonathan, who happened to be Scarecrow and was in Arkham Asylum at the moment. Though they weren't technically related and he was a criminal, Gemma loved him. The words "The only thing to fear is fear itself" printed on the front. Gemma then put on a pair of jeans before walking downstairs. Tim saw her, and ran to catch up with her.

"Hey Gemma, did Bruce tell you who's visiting today?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, someone named Barbara and Dick..." Gemma replied. "But who are they?"

"Barbara is Dick's girlfriend. Everyone calls her Babs, except Bruce. She's Commissioner Gordon's daughter." Tim explained. "Dick was adopted by Bruce after his parents died. He's basically Bruce's first son."

Tim paused for a second.

"Wait... Since your dad was a supervillian, does that mean you knew other villians?"

Gemma nodded. "Not all of them were that bad... Selina and Jonathan were my favorites."

"Catwoman and Scarecrow?" Tim looked shocked.

"Yeah, but I knew them as Aunt Selina and Uncle Jonathan." Gemma said.

"I wouldn't let Bruce know that if I were you..." Tim warned her.

"Why not? Oh...." Gemma realized. Bruce was Batman. Batman didn't like Catwoman or Scarecrow. Actually, Batman didn't seem to like anyone.

Suddenly, a bell rang through the giant house. Barbara and Dick had arrived.

Tim led Gemma down the stairs where Alfred had gotten the door and Bruce was standing with two people.

Tim sprinted towards everyone, almost tripped, and jumped onto Dick's back.

"Hey Timmy!" Dick laughed.

Gemma studied Dick, then Tim. They both had the same black hair and clear blue eyes. Dick looked just like an older version of Tim, or maybe more like an older brother. They acted like brothers too. Tim had tried to tackle Dick, but Dick was built like a brick wall. Barbara Gordon stood next to them, laughing as Tim tried to attack her boyfriend. Gemma was still hiding out in the open on the staircase.

Bruce was talking to Dick, Tim at his side, when Barbara turned around. Her long, red, hair flying like a model's and her eyes met Gemma's. Gemma was on the verge of trembling. She never did well with new people. She was comfortable with the people she knew. Gemma always at least had her dad, Aunt Selina, or Uncle Jonathan around to protect her. Gemma felted humiliated inside. She had to social skills of a cabbage. She attended online and home school her whole life and her dad kept her away from most of the world. It was a miracle she knew her aunts and uncles AKA "friends" of her dad's.

"Hi, you must be Gemma." Gemma snapped back to reality to see Barbara, in a wheel chair, infront of her, smiling.

"Yes." Gemma mustered up all her courage to speak. "And you're Barbara, right?"

"Yup, but everyone calls me Babs." Barbara continued smiling.

Barbara's smile was warm and welcoming. Gemma hadn't seen one like it in a long time.

"Bruce called me over just to meet you." Barbara explained.

"W-why?" Gemma stuttered a little bit, worried to hear the answer.

"So we can do some girl stuff! We can go shopping and whatever else you want." Barbara started. "I grew up living with my dad, Bruce, and occasionally Dick, so I know how hard it is living with all these guys."

"Maybe I can trust her?" Gemma thought to herself.

"I know all of this seems kinda intimadating, but I promise nobody is going to hurt you here. Everyone just wants you to feel welcomed and everything." Barbara continued.

Barbara seemed genuine to Gemma. Like she really wanted Gemma to be ok. It would be nice to have another girl to talk to, now that Aunt Selina was in Arkham (again.) and the rest of her aunts were there too.

Bruce glanced over at Gemma, and the smallest hint of a smile crept onto his face. He loved seeing Barbara reaching out to her, and of course, seeing Dick was always fun. Tim continued talking to Dick along with Bruce.

"Hey Bruce, Gemma and I are going to the mall downtown." Barbara said, starting over to the door. "Dick, I'm taking the car." She kissed her boyfriend on the cheek.

"That won't be neccesarry, Miss Barbara." Alfred cut in. "I can drive you and Miss Gemma."

"Yes! Then I can take the batmobile!" He caught himself. "I mean..." Dick looked at Gemma.

"It's ok. She already knows." Bruce explained.

Dick grinned. "If there's one thing I miss from running with the Batman, it's the toys."

Gemma trailed after Barbara, who waited at the door for her. Bruce pulled Gemma aside.

"Have fun, Gemma." Bruce smiled a bit, handing her some cash.

"Are you su-" Gemma was cut off.

"Yes. You're part of this family." Bruce turned to everyone else. "How about we all meet up for dinner later? My treat."

"Dinner would be lovely." Barbara waved to Dick, Bruce, and Tim and left with Gemma.

Tim watched Gemma leave, and couldn't help but sigh.

Hi everyone! And by everyone I mean my 2 readers... Anyways, sorry this chapter took so long, I've been busy with school, tests, etc. Please comment, vote, fan, etc.

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