Chapter 15

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And another chapter is here......

Hope you guys like it.

I would really appreciate some comments from you guys.

So, this chapter will be in Gemma's POV



I followed Helena into another room, leaving Tim to talk with Bart. Helena reached into a closet and pulled out a hanger covered in plastic to protect the clothing underneath. She handed it to me and I unwrapped all the plastic.

Hanging on the hanger was a jet black skin tight suit with a purple mask and purple gloves. There was a white line under where my neck would go and purple outlined the black cape. Attached was a purple utility belt that I couldn't wait to get my hands on. The costume was perfect.

Helena could read the expression on my face and smiled.

"Glad you like it. Go put it on and we'll go out on patrol."

I walked into the bathroom and put on the suit. Not to brag or anything, but I looked fabulous! Normally I'm not very impressed with my appearance, but now I couldn't help but smile at how strong and fierce I looked.

Suddenly, fear struck me. Anxiety returned and flooded through my veins. I hadn't started training very long ago and I was about to go on patrol. I was totally going to mess up! I had no experience and I still had so much to learn. This was a bad idea.

What had I been thinking? I couldn't be a super hero. Not with my heritage anyways. I needed to get out of this situation fast.

I grabbed the clothes I had been wearing earlier and looked around the bathroom for an escape.

Luckily for me there was a small window. I opened it and quietly slid through.

Now that I was out, I needed to think about what to do from here. I thought for a few seconds, knowing I didn't have much time.

Somebody knocked on the bathroom door from inside.

"Gemma? I know you want to admire how amazing you look, but we need to leave to go on patrol now."

I made a run for it.

I sprinted through allies and behind buildings. I avoided all people on the streets and hid behind fences from them. I felt bad for running away like I did, but I didn't know how to cope with everything.

I had been running for about 45 minutes when I realized I was hopelessly lost. A ghoulish smiled suddenly appeared from the shadows.

"Hello young lady. What on earth are you doing in this neighborhood?" The scarred mouth asked.

Oh no.

My nightmares came back all at once. It was him.

The Joker.

He laughed like the maniac he was.

"Now, now. Don't look so terrified." He stepped out of the shadows completely. "Let's put a smile on that face and see if old Bats will show up!"

Another laugh that chilled my blood.

"Wait just a second. I know that face." He paused. "Where have me met? Bludhaven? Arkham? Vegas?"

I tried not to shake with fear.

"I know! You're Dent's daughter! What was your name again? Ginny?" He asked with his infamous smile.

"My name is Gemma." I replied with all the courage I could find.

"Ah, Gemma. How's about we have some fun? On live television!" The Joker cackled.

"N-no! Stay away from me! I'll scream!" I threated.

"HAHAHAHA! You think anyone can hear you? It would be a shame to slit that pretty little throat of your's without an audience."

I panicked and fumbled around in the utility belt for something useful. My hand found the knife Aunt Selina had given me and held it up infront of myself as the Joker stepped closer.

He came closer and closer and I realized it was time to fight.

"Center yourself." I thought.

I threw my leg up in the air and tried to kick him in the jaw. He laughed and easily avoided it.

Who was I kidding? Even Batman sometimes lost to this guy. I didn't have a chance. 

But i had to try.

I slashed the knife around and somehow sliced part of his face.

"Not bad, girly! Lucky shot, eh?" He took out his own knife.

I thrusted my fist out and tried to hit the Joker. I missed again and attempted to kick him in the shin.

The Joker maneuvered around my defense all while evily chuckling to himself. He attempted to stab my arm, but I moved just in time. I dodged his moves, but it was tricky.

He yawned, "I'm getting tired of this. How's about we finish up on live television like I suggested earlier? You may even get to meet old Batsy yourself!"

The Joker pressed the little flower on his violet suit and suddenly I couldn't control myself. I burst out in laughter and couldn't fight the smile forming on my face. The Joker cackled and hit me right on top of my head.

That's the last thing I remember before blacking out.

Finally! Action!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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