Chapter 16

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I want to do something different with this chapter.

Hopefully it will be pretty long.

There will be multiple POV from different Bat Fam members.

So here it is, starting in Tim's POV.


I'd had my fair share of scary moments. I had grown used to them and learned how to cope after working with the Batman. I thought nothing could scare me anymore. I was dead wrong.

I realized I hadn't felt true fear until Helena knocked that door down.

Gemma was gone.

I felt like my whole world was spinning. Nothing made sense. Why would she run away? She had been so excited...

I got thinking and I went over everything I had said in the past few hours to see if there was anything I could have said or done to set her off.

I didn't come up with anything, so I looked up at Helena.

"What are we going to do?"

"Something isn't right. I hate to say it, but we have to accept the possibilty that something bad has happened."

My mind went into overdrive.

"We need to contact Bruce. No, we need to contact the whole Bat Family."

"That's not a bad idea... Call the manor."

I did as told and called. Alfred picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is the Wayne residence, Alfred speaking."

"Alfred! We need everyone down at Helena's house. Gemma's gone missing."

"Oh dear, I'll send them over right away, sir." Alfred hung up.

About 5 minutes later, Bruce arrived as Batman. Following behind him were Nightwing (Dick) Oracle (Barbara) Red Hood (Jason, though Bruce was reluctant to let him come, especially as Red Hood) Batgirl (Steph) Black Bat (Cass) and Robin (Damian).

Batman held up my Red Robin costume and Helena's orignal Huntress costume.

After everyone was situated, it was time for a plan.

"We need to check placed she would go. She obviously not in the manor, so I think we should check her old house, Gotham Academy, and some of her aunts' and uncles' houses." I explained.

The group nodded in approval.

"Okay. Batman, check her old house with Damian. Nightwing and I will go to Gotham Academy. Red Hood and Huntress, check Catwoman's lair. Batgirl and Black Bat, I need you two at Scarecrow's place."

"What about me?" Bart asked.

I hadn't noticed him because of how quiet he had been.

"Just in case Gemma somehow ended up somewhere not in Gotham, I need you to go to near by cities and look around. Let other people like Flash and Green Arrow know to keep a look out." I turned to face everyone. "Oracle has her laptop and will be keeping in touch with all of us."

I sighed and held my staff firmly in my hand, "Good luck everyone. Let's just hope we find Gemma."

 DAMIAN'S POV (Oh heck yes Damian, Master of Sass)

Tt. I don't even understand what the big deal is. I roll my eyes multiple times while Drake is speaking. What's so important about this girl? People go missing everyday. Why was she special?

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