Chapter Ten

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Anywho..... Let's start the chapter!

"Hey Timmy." The man smirked.

Gemma was frozen. Who is the strange man? He looked scary. He looked violent.

What. The. Heck.

"But... But... You're supposed to be dead." Tim looked hurt, unsure, and afraid.

"Tim..." Bruce tried to reach out to Tim.

Tim stepped away and stepped infront of Gemma, holding her hand.

"What is going on Bruce? You told me Jason was dead." Tim said.

Gemma looked around and saw Dick and Barbara standing next to each other, looking at Jason.


Suddenly, everything clicked in Gemma's mind. This was Jason Todd, the 2nd Robin. The one who died...

"He was dead, Tim. But..." Bruce looked away.

"But what Bruce? People don't just come back from the dead." Tim narrowed his eyes. "When did this happen?"

"Tim, I-" Bruce was cut off.

"I asked you a question. When. Did. This. Happen." Tim slowed his speech.

"A few months ago..." Bruce explained.

"A FEW MONTHS AGO?" Tim yelled.

"Tim..." Gemma whispered soothingly.

"Why didn't you tell me?! How did this happen?!" Tim looked so hurt.

"Timmy, let me explain." Jason tried.

Tim stepped back away from Jason, and shielded Gemma from him.

"No, Jay. You don't understand. Your death put so much presure on me. On all of us. And now you just come back from he dead or something and I don't find out until months later!" Tim exclaimed.

"It's my fault. I told him he couldn't come back until he cleaned up his act." Bruce sighed.

"What do you mean cleaned up his act?"

"I kinda went on a bad guy murdering spree and took control of most of Gotham's drug ring." Jason shrugged.

"WHAT?" Tim yelled. "What the hell is going on? Things were just fine when you weren't here Jason! I just want things to go back to the way they were months ago!" Tim had tears in his eyes.

Gemma felt as if a knife had been stabbed in her heart. When she wasn't here? That's what he wanted to go back to?

Everyone was silent.

"Gemma, I didn't me-" Tim started.

Gemma tore away from him and Barbara took her into the kitchen.

"Hey, it's okay. Everyone is just a little tense." Barbara calmed Gemma down.

"He doesn't want me here."

"Yes he does. He just doesn't know what to do with Jason being back. They were like brothers." Barbara explained.

"How is he back?" Gemma asked.

"I'm not sure. Bruce knows, but he isn't telling the rest of us. I don't even think Jason knows."


"So you're done with the murdering and stuff?" Tim questioned.

"Yup. No more drugs, or blood, or stuff." Jason replied.

"Until everything is figured out though...." Bruce started. "Jason will be staying here. So are Dick and Barbara."

"What about Steph?" Jason looked over at Bruce.

"Yes. Along with D-"

"NO. Don't you say it. That demon child is NOT staying here." Tim argued.

"That 'demon child' is my son. I already called the boarding school. He's on his way. Both Damian and Stephanie should be here by tomorrow."

Jason looked relieved to hear that Stephanie, his girlfriend and current Batgirl, would be here soon, but Tim was extremly mad that he would have to deal with Damian.

Damian of all people.

Often described as the least favorite member of the batfamily and a "Little shit" according to most of the family, Damian only loved 3 things; cats, Supergirl, and Cass.

"This house is gonna be packed..." Tim thought to himself.



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I love you all!

P.s. Picture of Jason on the side ;)

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