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you and your boyfriend jahseh have been arguing nonstop. over the smallest things at that.

both of you were fed up with each other but couldn't let each other go.

you felt as if jah was hiding something from you and he felt you just wanted an excuse to cheat/ leave him.

both of you had bad experiences with dating in the past.

"y/n" jah called out looking for you around the house.

he finally found you in the screening room. "y/n, ski asked us to come for dinner tonight with him and his girlfriend and our friends." jah told you.

"okay, have fun." you replied shoving popcorn in your mouth while watching "scream" your favorite kill was coming up.

"nigga, i just said he wants us to come." he said emphasizing the us in his sentence.

"oh.. no thankyou." you replied.

"why not?" jah questioned annoyed.

"because 1. you and me can barely exist together in this house and 2. his girlfriend is a total bitch who doesn't like me oh and no." you replied keeping your eyes on the screen.

"look y/n i know we haven't been the best of friends but can we at least talk, i can't live like this much longer." jah stressed.

when you heard that you thought, it was in you to say no but he was right. you sighed stepping over your pride and shut the tv off.

"okay. we can talk." you agreed.

"thankyou. i just want to reassure you, y/n y/l/n, i am not cheating on you or keeping anything from you." he looked you in your red tinted eyes.

you were high as a kite but were gonna sober up due to the topic.

"okay.. i believe you. i'm sorry jahseh." you hugged him inhaling his scent. it'd been so long since you hugged him.

or were this close to him without threatening each other.

"i forgive you y/n. you my wife, i love you and would do anything to keep you happy." he said excepting your hug and hugging you back with his hand's just above your ass.

"i love you too." you spoke into his chest. you sighed as the long hug continued.

"i'm sorry for putting you through that. lemme show you how sorry i am." jah's hands slipped into your shorts and he massaged your ass.

you jumped on him and he carried you into your bedroom. he laid you on the bed and began pecking around your lips.

jah began making out with you as you kissed him back and he slipped his tongue into your mouth. he began to grow in his pants and it was visible.

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