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you were spraying setting spray on your gentle beat of makeup while listening to your favorite song.

iMessage 💬
Tyler 💚


you continued to take your time knowing he wouldn't pull off without you.

this evening he would be taking you on y'all 5th date since you began seeing eachother recently.

you heard him beeping the horn until he gave up. you finished finishing small things on your outfit and smiled in the mirror spraying perfume.

you grabbed your purse that matched with your shoes and colored install then opened it making sure you had everything. you grabbed your lighter off your dresser along with your keys.

you locked your door and started walking towards the car. he got out opening the door for you after embracing you in a tight hug.

"wassuh y/n, you look good." he said making you blush. you were released from the hug and sat in the car while he closed the passenger seat door.

"hi love, thankyou." you said once he got back in the car.

"look in the backseat." he said as he pulled the car into a u-turn. you shrugged then turned around awing at the bouquet of black roses and pandora box.

you smiled showing your teeth and grabbed the bouquet along with the box. you sat it on your lap and gave tyler a kiss on the cheek.

"thankyou tee." you dragged happily as you slid the ring on.

"that ain nun guh." the date tyler had planned for you was dinner then a outdoor movie.

he arrived at the restaurant shortly. he got out and opened your door for you flashing his gold grills once he smiled at you.

you locked your hand in with his as he led you into the restaurant, it was your first time going.

"y/n you look beautiful no lie." he said staring at you as y'all joined the short line ahead to get menus and escorted to your table.

"thankyou, you look good too." you smiled trying to keep eye contact.

his phone buzzed back to back several times making you look back up at him. "who is it?" you asked out of curiosity.

he looked away from his phone and back at you, "it ain nobody." he said in a failed attempt to reassure you.

it was most definitely somebody you thought.

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