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March 31st, 1986.

It has become evident that the Byers-Hopper family has found their new temporary home with the Wheeler household. Although the length of their stay has not yet been determined, Karen has made it very clear that she is happy to have them for as long as they need and will do everything in her power to ensure their comfort and well-being during their stay with them.

They have settled into a comfortable routine, with Karen and Joyce taking care of them, and the kids finding comfort in each other's company. Will found himself clinging to Mike, grateful for his friend's unwavering support and kind presence.

During their stay at the Wheeler household, Max's condition at the hospital remained at the forefront of everyone's minds. After visiting Max at the hospital, who is now in a coma due to Vecna, Will can't help but feel a sense of guilt. He feels like he's somehow responsible for what happened to Max. It's as if he believes that if he were in Hawkins, the tragedy would have befallen him instead of her. Maybe he's struggling to come to terms with the reality of the situation and his sense of helplessness in the face of it.

While assembling his makeshift bed in Mike's room, Will becomes lost in thought about his feelings of being different. From a young age, he has felt like he didn't quite fit in with his peers and has been subjected to bullying as a result.

As Will lay on his makeshift bed, staring up at the ceiling, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and loneliness wash over him. He had always felt different from his peers, and he wondered why it seemed like he was the only one struggling to fit in. Perhaps it was because of his experiences with the Upside Down, or maybe it was just a part of who he was. Either way, it was a heavy weight to carry.

As he lay there lost in thought, Will suddenly heard a gentle knock at the door. Before he could even answer, his best friend Mike had already entered the room, wearing a reassuring smile on his face. "Hey, you doing okay?" Mike asked.

Will nodded, silently grateful for his friend's concern. Mike sat down beside him and took a deep breath. "El and I broke up," he said, his voice quiet.

Will was taken aback by Mike's statement. "What?" he replied incredulously.

Mike nodded, his eyes fixated on the floor. "Yeah, we decided it was for the best. It just- It wasn't working out. We're better off as friends."

Will gave him a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Mike gives him a small smile, "I'm okay, I don't think I loved her in the way I was supposed to"

He nodded, understandingly. "Well, if you ever need to talk about it, or anything else, I'm here for you,"

Mike smiled gratefully at him. "I know you are, I appreciate it." he sighs looking down and then back at Will, "Also, I wanted to say I'm sorry about the beginning of spring break when I first got in Lenora I was being such a bad friend to you, and I guess I just didn't realize it at the time"

Will gazes at Mike with a kind expression, "Mike, you already apologized about this and I told you it was fine"

"But I really am sorry, you're my best friend. I should've been treating you better" Mike added, with genuine concern in his gaze.

Will smiles warmly at his friend, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Then I forgive you, Mike. But really, it's fine"

Mike smiles softly back at him. "Cool,"

Will giggles softly, mocking him "Cool,"

They sit there for a moment in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.

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