not a chapter !!!! (update)

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Hello! I am truly sorry to everyone who was reading this fanfic and has been waiting MONTHS for an update. I explained on my Instagram what has happened but maybe not everyone here came from my Instagram so I am going to tell all of you too that are just enjoying the story! In October my old phone broke, which caused me to get a new one, losing all I had written for the rest of the chapters. (I will now start backing up my writing on an app on my computer lol) I was going to give up on it and just write a whole new story but I changed my mind and I'm currently working on them and trying to make them as accurate and as good as they can be, so I hope everyone can just be patient for just a little longer till I can get the next chapter out! XOXO <3 hope u guys enjoy the next chapters whenever I can get them out! (hopefully in the next couple of months!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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