chapter 9 - love, mike

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November 12th, 1986.

As Will awoke, the sterile smell of the hospital room filled his nostrils. He surveyed his surroundings, taking in the white walls and the beeping machines. His gaze traveled down, and there, he discovered the cast on his hand. He tried to move it, but it still throbbed with pain.

"He's awake," he heard a familiar voice say.

Will looked to where the voice came from and saw his mom and Jonathan standing around him. "Did I... Pass out on the way here?" he asked, his voice weak.

His mom nodded and spoke softly, "Yeah, how are you feeling?"

Will took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain in his hand. "I feel okay," he muttered.

"Are you hungry?" his mom inquired, concern evident in her tone. "They said that's why you passed out. You probably haven't eaten in days and you became weak"

Will's stomach rumbled in response and he nodded. "Yeah, I am hungry," then he started to worry, "Is everyone okay? Is El okay?" he said, looking around like he was searching for more people.

Joyce sat on the chair beside Will's hospital bed, carefully adjusting her position to face him directly. She reached out and gently grasped his hand, her touch conveying reassurance and warmth. With a soft smile on her face, she replied, "I know you're worried, Will. But I want you to know that everyone is fine, okay?"

Will's voice trembled slightly as he posed his question once more, his eyes filled with unease. "No one is hurt?" he inquired, his voice laced with lingering worry.

Joyce squeezed his hand gently once more, her touch conveying both tenderness and reassurance. "I promise you, Will, nobody was seriously hurt," she replied, her voice calm and empathetic. "El... she has lost her powers again. But she's strong, she'll find a way to regain them."

"What about Vecna?" Will asked, his voice trembling with fear and his face etched with worry as he expected to hear the worst.

His mom opened her mouth to talk but Jonathan beat her to it, "He's taken care of," he said with pride.

Will's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and relief, his gaze shifting from Jonathan to his mom, seeking confirmation. "Really?" he questioned, his voice tinged with hope and a hint of disbelief.

His mother, catching his gaze, nodded solemnly, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and pride. "Yes, Will," she confirmed, her voice gentle yet resolute.

Will glanced down at his lap, a faint smile playing on his lips as he found solace in the fact that Vecna was finally dealt with.

Lost in his thoughts, he was momentarily pulled back to reality when his mom's voice broke the silence. "So, about the food," she began, her tone warm and inviting, "what would you like?"

"I could go for some pizza," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

Jonathan and Joyce both smiled at each other, "Okay, pizza it is," she said joyfully about to walk out of the door with Jonathan.

Jonathan's voice suddenly broke the silence, his words carrying a sense of consideration. "Wait, before we go," he spoke up, his eyes flickering between Will and Joyce, "Mike has been in the waiting room all night, would you mind if I let him come up?"

Will's face lit up at the fact Mike has been waiting for him all night to wake up, but then he also felt guilty— Mike probably hasn't slept all night. But he did wanna see him, he really missed him.

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