chapter 5 - the other side

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"No... No..." he says, his voice shaking as he finally sits up, looking around. "This can't be happening again"

Gathering every ounce of strength, Will pushes himself up from the ground, his head throbbing and his body weakened. As he rises, the familiar yet unsettling sights of the Upside Down envelop him, sending a chill down his spine.

But then, movement catches his attention—a sudden, ominous shift in the shadows. Dread grips his heart as he recognizes the figure emerging from the darkness. It's Vecna, the one who has been plaguing his nightmares for months, and who is responsible for putting his friend into a coma.

"Welcome home, Will." Vecna's ominous voice echoes through the darkness.

Panic surges within him, his racing heart drowning out all other sounds. Without hesitation, he turns and flees, his legs carrying him away from the approaching danger. He darts through the nightmarish landscape, each step a painful reminder of the terror he thought he had left behind.

In his desperate flight, Will's tear-filled eyes catch sight of a familiar house in the distance—the Wheeler residence. Without hesitation, a glimmer of hope ignites within him, drawing him towards the safety he associates with that place.

As his foot catches on a protruding root, Will stumbles forward, almost losing his balance. "Fuck," he mutters cursing under his breath, he quickly regains his footing and pushes himself forward with renewed determination. His heart races in his chest, his mind consumed with the fear of being caught by Vecna.

Reaching the familiar threshold of the Wheeler house, Will bursts through the door, gasping for air. He finds himself in the living room, a place once filled with warmth and laughter. Now, it offers a fragile sanctuary from the terrors outside.

He seeks shelter in a hidden corner of the living room, curling up into himself. Silent tears escape his eyes, sliding down his cheeks as he struggles to stifle his sobs. The weight of his past traumas and present danger bears down on him, overwhelming his fragile state.

From his hiding spot, he peers out of the window, casting anxious glances into the twisted landscape beyond. His eyes scan the darkness, searching for any signs of Vecna's pursuit. Every creak and rustle amplifies his fear, causing him to remain hidden at all costs.

As he watches, tears continue to stream down his face, dampening his cheeks with a mixture of anguish and fear. The sound of his silent cries reverberates within the confines of the living room, a bittersweet reminder of the pain that consumes him.

In the depths of his vulnerability, he clings to the hope of reuniting with his loved ones, of returning to a world free from the clutches of the Upside Down. And so, with a mix of fear and resilience, he persists, silently crying while keeping a watchful eye out the window, dreading whatever challenges lie ahead.


November 7th, 1986

Will was freezing. It had only been one day since he found himself trapped in the Upside Down again, but the chilling air and the constant fear made it feel like an eternity. Every moment brought a surge of terror, and all he longed for was to be back home, surrounded by the warmth and safety of his loved ones.

He was curled up in the Wheeler's house, covering up with a blanket, his breath visible in the cold air as he tried to steady his trembling body. The Upside Down seemed to amplify his fears, distorting familiar sounds into eerie echoes and casting a haunting darkness over everything. The sense of isolation and despair weighed heavily on him.

As his teeth chattered together, Will couldn't stop thinking about Mike. His best friend's face flashed in his mind, filled with concern and determination. Will drew strength from those memories, reminding himself that he wasn't alone in this terrifying alternate dimension.

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