chapter 6 - tears on the letter

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November 10th, 1986.

Mike felt lost as the news reports offered no new information or hope. The burden of uncertainty weighed heavily on him, casting a dark cloud of doubt over his entire being. He struggled to find a glimmer of light in the darkness as his hope faded away. 

El tirelessly focused on trying to locate Will. She immersed herself in deep concentration, her mind reaching out, searching for any trace of his presence in the Upside Down. But the distorted and ever-shifting nature of the parallel dimension made it nearly impossible to pinpoint his exact location. 

Despite El's relentless efforts, she was only able to catch glimpses of Will's presence within the Upside Down. She could sense that he was confined within a house, but the lack of movement made it nearly impossible to determine which specific house he was hiding in. Frustration gnawed at her, knowing that time was slipping away and Will's safety remained uncertain. 

Meanwhile, Mike sat at his desk, staring blankly at the paper in front of him. His heart was heavy with emotion, and his mind was consumed by thoughts of his missing best friend. As he looked at the blank page before him, he knew what he had to do. He had to tell Will everything, even if it was the scariest thing he had ever done. 

Mike took a deep breath, and with shaking hands, he began to write. He was about to confess to Will that he was in love with him, something he had kept hidden for months. Mike knew that there was a chance Will might never see the letter, but he had to get his feelings out in the open. He couldn't keep them bottled up any longer. 

Dear Will, 

There are so many things I've needed to tell you. So many things I've been putting off for far too long, and now you're missing. I've just been so scared of how you'd react or what you'd say so I've kept it to myself. 

Mike lets out a heavy sigh, blinking as a single tear falls onto the paper. 

I'm in love with you... I have been for a while and I've been too scared to admit it. Now that you're not here I don't know what to do, I feel so alone. I wish I would've told you how I felt, I was just so fucking scared that you'd hate me. 

Mike's tears began to flow freely as he continued to write, his emotions overwhelming him. 

I don't know how to live without you, Will. When I heard that you were missing at school I broke down, I can't lose you, not again. We're going to find you, we have to find you. I don't care how long it takes. You're coming home. 

Love, Mike 

Mike set the letter down on his desk, feeling both relieved and terrified at having finally confessed his love to Will. He collapsed on his bed, the weight of his emotions overwhelming him as he cried uncontrollably. 

As the tears continued to flow, Mike couldn't help but replay all the moments he had spent with Will in his mind. All the laughter, all the late-night talks, all the times he had wanted to say something but never had the courage to do so. 

Now it was too late, and Mike felt an immense sense of guilt and regret. 

Mike heard a soft knock on his bedroom door, followed by his mother's voice. "Mike, are you okay?" she asked, concern in her tone. 

Mike quickly brushed the tears from his eyes and collected himself. He got up from his bed and walked over to his desk. He sat down on the chair, taking a deep breath to steady himself. With a trembling hand, he flipped the letter over, ensuring that the words were no longer visible. "Yeah, Mom, I'm okay," he said, his voice catching slightly. 

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