chapter 4 - missing again

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November 7th, 1986

Mike almost woke up late for school today, which was typical for him. He quickly got dressed for the day, then made his way downstairs. He overheard his parents conversing and followed their voices to the living room. When he entered the living room he noticed that they were tuned into the news, which wasn't uncommon considering his dad's fondness for it.

He didn't think anything of it. Mike walked back to the kitchen and popped a waffle in the toaster as his mom spoke with a hint of sadness in her voice. "Hey, are you almost ready?" she asked.

Mike was taken aback. "Yeah, I guess so. Did Nancy leave already?"

His mom nodded. "Yeah, she did. But don't worry, I'll take you to school today."

As the toaster beeped, Mike grabbed his waffle and took a bite. "Okay, thanks."

After finishing his breakfast, Mike quickly gathered his backpack and headed out the door with his mom. They walked to the car in silence, his mom still seeming downcast. Mike didn't ask what was wrong, knowing his mom would tell him when she was ready.

As they drove to school, Mike's mind wandered to thoughts of the news his parents were watching earlier. He knew it was probably something serious, but they never discussed such things in front of him.

When they reached the school, his mom turned to him and gave him a tight hug. "Be safe, Mike," she said with a shaky voice.

Mike nodded as his confusion grew, but he didn't have time to dwell on it as his mom drove off. He made his way to his first class, hoping the day would go by quickly so he could get some answers from his parents later.

As Mike stepped into his first class, he looked around the room in search of Will, who was usually in this class with him. The air was filled with the chatter of students catching up on their weekends or discussing the latest gossip. Mike continued to scan the room until the sound of his teacher's voice cut through the noise.

"Class, please settle down," the teacher said, commanding attention with her authoritative voice. "We're not going to be doing anything today because of the news."

Mike's head jerked up, and he looked around the room in confusion. What news was she talking about? He had heard his parents talking about some news this morning, but they'd left before he could ask about it.

With a furrowed brow, Mike turned to the girl sitting next to him. "Hey, do you know what news she's talking about?" he whispered.

The girl shook her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. "No idea. But it must be really bad if it's stopping us from doing schoolwork"

As Mike waited for more information, a knot formed in his stomach, and his thoughts ran wild. He hoped someone would provide context to the confusing situation. As the minutes ticked by, his anxiety grew and he found it difficult to focus on anything. The absence of his friend Will only added to his worry, and he couldn't help but wonder if the news had something to do with him.

Finally, the intercom crackled to life, and the principal's voice came through. "Attention all students and staff, we have just received news that Will Byers has gone missing again. We are deeply saddened and we send thoughts and prayers to his family and friends."

Mike's heart sank as he heard the principal's announcement. Will, missing again? The knot in his stomach tightened, and he felt a lump form in his throat.

He sat at his desk, his leg bouncing with nerves. Mike was overwhelmed by a feeling of guilt. Did Will ever make it home last night? He knew he should've stayed with him, or at least walked him to his house first.

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