Submitted by @Imsomewherelse

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When I was younger, I loved baby dolls. I loved taking care of them and teaching them lessons about who knows what. But more than that, I loved singing. I still do. That's my dream job, to become a singer. But I can't do that... Because I'm a girl. My mom always told me to be a lady. She always said that boys will never like me if I stay so opinionated and so independent. I was told to change how I look, act, and think. Because boys don't like girls who are different. That's what I'm told everyday. I can't leave the house without my mom approving my outfit. She won't let me wear shorts that are shorter than a certain length. I can't show my bra in any way. Because that makes me a slut. I have to sit with my legs crossed.

My mother backs down to challenges. She listens to my father and does only what he will be okay with. Anything else is bad. I didn't know that dieting 24/7 was a bad thing. I didn't know that stepping onto the scale and hating the numbers was a bad thing. I thought it was natural. I didn't know that working out and only drinking water all week was a bad thing. I didn't know that, because my mom urged me to lose weight that in reality, I don't need to lose. She urged me to listen to others and do as they say. To be a proper lady. If someone pushes me around, she tells me to ignore them because they will stop eventually.

I hate slut shaming. If someone is wearing a low cut top, who cares? They are happy with their appearance. If someone is wearing shorts that are too short for your liking, does it affect you? No, it doesn't. Is there a person in your grade who goes on dates a lot? If there is, good for them. That doesn't make them a slut. If what they wear or do in their free time doesn't affect you, why are you so hateful towards them? Why? Don't hold yourself back from trying out for the football team or dance team just because of your gender. Don't change your clothes three times before going out because you don't want people to think you're a slut. Your opinion is the only one that matters.

I hate gender roles, too. When I wanted to play baseball when I was younger, they said I couldn't because baseball is for boys. When I wanted to play football with my cousins, my mom said no because football is for boys. When I sat next to my best friend, he said he wanted to cry but couldn't - because crying is for girls. When a boy I know got bullied, he didn't do anything about it because getting help from an adult meant he is weak. He committed suicide when he couldn't take it anymore - because he didn't get help in fear of his guy friends calling him a pansy. Gender roles do nothing but create barriers. It does nothing but hurt people. Just because you're a boy, doesn't mean you can't cry. Let your emotions out, it's natural. If you're a girl, do whatever the hell you want. You're allowed to. Do whatever the hell you want no matter who you are or what you are. You are strong and intelligent. Don't let your parents or anyone at all tell you that you can't do something because you're a boy or girl. Don't let people walk over you because you're a boy or girl. Don't let people bully you because of what you're wearing or how you're acting. Stand up and say something. You're not a slut for showing off your body. You're self confident and I admire that. You're not a pansy for getting help when you need it. You're doing what's best and that's hard to do. I admire that. You're not manly for playing "boy" sports. You're strong and I admire that.

I'm only 15 but listen to me when I say this. Our society is sick. Not you. You are amazing and don't forget that. Suicide or self harm isn't the answer. Get help if you need it. Defy gender roles. Do whatever the hell you want. I believe in you.

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