Submitted by XXwonderpetXX

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Okay, well, since kindergarten I was made fun of. People never really talked to me and they made fun of my appearance, how short I was, my voice, etc. They would call me "chipmunk" and "troll" among many other things.

It started to get violent around second grade. A boy, I'll call him "A," constantly kicked me, tripped me, and once punched me in the side of the head on a bus ride. I never really told my mom about that. "A" called me flat chested. But it was third grade!!! It really hurt my feelings.

Later, some family things went on. I got PTSD and trust issues from all of that. We moved when I was in fifth grade. Immediately I was called a freak. A girl, let's call her "B," said I was an anorexic whore. I tried to tell her she was wrong. She dismissed me and laughed. Then her boyfriend said I gave him a blowjob. I hadn't even known what that meant at the time. That went on ALL year.

Then in middle school I started to grow in all ways. I was developing a chest. And I'd gained weight slightly to where I looked sorta normal. I wore baggy clothes so people wouldn't notice. Then people asked if I was a girl or a boy. They called me "dyke," "bitch," "slag," and pretty much everything else. I once got punched in the gut by a girl because I told her to piss off.

My mom stopped me from wearing baggy, dark, and "scary" clothing. I had uniforms now, too. One kid had a weird sexual obsession with me even though I never talked. He called me inappropriate names, some of which I don't even want to say/type. He wrote a sex story about me. Spread rumors. He said I gave him a blowjob (seriously? What's up with kids and blowjobs dude?) and went to third base with him. Obviously, this was not true but I was alone.

I was called a whore and a bitch and I acted strong. I was, deep inside, really weak. Everyone whispered about me. I got made fun of. Girls shunned me. I was alone. I started to self harm and I thought I was going crazy. As time went on people just got too much. I was sick of giving pieces of my life to these people! I stopped caring. Self harming became less regular. I switched schools. I became more comfortable as me. I made amazing friends.

"Slut" shaming and bullying is stupid. Others don't care. Some people are self conscious. Others jealous. And some cruel. But WE went through this. WE survived. Anyone that's ever gone through "slut" shaming didn't deserve it. No one does.

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