Submitted by Anonymous

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When I went into grade 6, I thought everything would be fun. I'd get to grow up, but things weren't so great. I have never shown cleavage, my shorts were always knee high, and I used to be the school nerd. Used to.

One day, I put down my glasses. Started wearing clothing that would just make me fit in. I still looked Catholic appropriate. Then I walked into class, thinking that people would actually talk to me now. People did talk to me, but called me a slut. I made friends, but they started the biggest rumors.

When I went home, my grandma would abuse me. In my culture they like being perfect. My grandma would give me bruises and give me heck. Since the age of four. When she wasn't home, there was my dad. He was always drinking and smoking, and had a huge attitude problem. One day I ate pizza, and he called me fat. I was 5'3, weighing 110 pounds. So the next day, he gave me a handful of berries before I went to school. That's it. He made me anorexic for 9 months, sometimes I would just drink water for the whole day. When he wasn't making me anorexic, he called me a slut. Then I'd go to school crying.

My mom and brother weren't any help either. They said, "Well maybe you are a slut." I had no one to tell, I didn't trust anyone else. I had no friends. The teachers didn't like me. I was alone. When I went to school, all day I would get called a slut, prostitute, whore, hoe, etc... Then I would hear rumors about it. Then I would get beat up for it, and after school I'd get bullied by my dad and grandma.

I would go on to Facebook, and I'd see messages. Notifications. Posts, and statuses. All hate towards me. No one ever got the time to even talk to me, they didn't know if I was nice or not.

Later in my grade 7 year, I stopped wearing the clothing and started wearing my 'nerdy' stuff again. Then it just got worse. I would cry during class, and everyone would laugh. The teachers never noticed, and I just sat there.

One day we went swimming, I wore shorts because I didn't want to get called a slut again. Then this boy came to me, and gave me a huge lecture that's stuck in my head word by word. "You're such a fucking slut. Who wears shorts to swimming. You should be on the streets with a prostitute sign. You're such a whore I can't even look at you, you're the whore of the city. Go kill yourself already, nobody likes you. I hope you get run over by a car or hang yourself in your closet." Then he continued for hours. When I asked someone for help, everyone laughed. When I tried leaving, his friends would push me back. When I tried saying no, I'd get slapped on the mouth. They just kept making me feel bad until I cried even more.

Then when I went online to Facebook, I was invited to a private group. The group was all about making me feel bad, everyday. They did it for 2 months, until I told the principal. She told them to stop, and then gave a lecture. After that they bullied me more for telling.

Then one day, the boy brought a knife to school. I tried running away, but his friends stopped me. I was stabbed in my wrist and slightly in my stomach. I covered it up, then told the teacher. I told her about the knife, but not about the stabbing. Everyone thought I was crazy not to tell that, but I realized it was his last chance at school. He was a bad kid, and so he was close to being expelled. His parents would be so disappointed if they heard he did it. So I didn't say anything. I kept it to myself, and he continued calling me a slut.

I ignored it for as long as I could, then one day changed everything. A girl asked me if I was virgin, and I told her of course. Then she told me about a huge rumor going through almost all of the schools in my city. The rumor was that I was one of those really bad kids, who smoked and did drugs, and I had sex with a grade 8 boy. I cried of course. Then she told me, there was even hate pages. So I went to look for them, and I found them. There were hate pages calling me the city's porn star and slut. There were people commenting how much I was a slut. I tried reporting it, but they deleted it too soon.

After that, I had attempts in suicide. Lots actually, and I'd always slip. It never worked. When I drank bleach, they got it out in time. I felt like there was just no hope. Then I met my wonderful new best friend through Facebook. He noticed my Facebook was getting bullied and started to care about my life. Even if he barely knew me. We talked and I cried so many nights, but he helped me through it.

Now I'm much older, and much stronger. No one really calls me a slut now, because I ignored them when they did and stood up. I just got through it, and people actually talked to me. Things got better, even when I thought they wouldn't.

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