Submitted by @MsGirlEV

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It started in seventh grade. There were these two guys that began to bully me that one day. At first I thought they were friendly people. At first I couldn't understand why they were being so mean. What did I do to them? They were often near me in recess, near me in lunch, and they were in my homeroom. I couldn't escape their hurtful words.

I didn't want to go to school, knowing it was most likely I'd face them. Hear them.Yet, I wasn't strong enough to tell them to stop.

It was that one day that started a chain of events that would make me hate my seventh grade year. Now, in high school, I try not to let it get to me. I try to see the positives in that seventh grade year, but sometimes I cannot. That day, the first time I heard their whisper. The first time I suffered from their name-calling. I told myself I had misheard or that they weren't talking about me. However, soon their bullying became constant, since it was a fun game to them. No longer could I deny the truth: it was about me.

I've never been bullied before for I was that likable girl, that girl who was often left alone. Some people tried to help me get out of my 'shell' and I thank them. But it wasn't happening, I was a loner at that time. So in the beginning, I was grateful to have those two around. The two that would later become my bullies.

I wanted the school year to be over so I wouldn't have to see them. I thought that maybe, after two months of summer vacation, they wouldn't bother me when the eighth grade school year started. I was wrong.

Eventually, it became too much to handle and I started to envision a way to end their name-calling. I had been strong enough to tell some of my family members and they replied that I needed to tell a teacher or the principal. I thought I wasn't strong enough to do it but my teacher made it easy for me to do so. I'm assuming she had noticed my sadness. I had been planning to indirectly tell a newly acquired friend, but I was fortunate and didn't have to.

But not everyone is so lucky. Please, if you're being bullied, stay strong.

For the bullies, please stop it. Find a way to stop. You never know when it may come back to you. For ex-bullies, if you are able to and haven't, say sorry. I wish I got a sorry. Many others do, too. Maybe bullying will never end, but we can sure try.

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