Submitted by @Franky101lol

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When I was younger I used to hang out with guys 2 or 3 years older than me, at school and after care. I was (and still am) a "tomboy." But one day, one of the boys at after care took me to the bathroom and started to touch me, even though I was completely flat-chested. I didn't know what to do, I was too young. His friends didn't know what was going on, but I was really scared to tell anyone. I finally told my mum and she had a talk with the after care manager. The next day, the dude had to talk with the manager and I was really scared. I'm still scared even to this day. I was in grade two, I think, and he was in grade four.

Then, I moved schools (not because of the bathroom incident) to a new school where I was bullied a lot. I was called a goody-two-shoes, twit, slut, and other things behind my back. I was really upset and I couldn't handle it any longer. Even the teachers were super mean: physically pushing me out of the way, not for fun. Telling me off for the slightest thing wrong. And I was really annoyed.

Finally, I made some friends... And I was finally happy.

I made friends after hanging out with the right people (if there is such thing...). The girls I hung out with were nice, and friendly, and it was a change from the mean glares I received the previous year. I honestly thought that they were just pretending to be my friends because I had completely forgotten what it felt like.

My advice for girls who are being sexually bullied, or just bullied, is tell someone one. No matter how embarrassing it is, just tell someone. Tell your mum or dad, because they will know what to do. If you're nervous or scared of their reaction, just deal with it. Just because you're a girl, it doesn't mean that you're weak. Talk to your best friend even, just tell someone what you're going through.

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