Submitted by @AngelofMusic777, Author of "Dead But Not Gone"

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Over time, people started calling me a slut and a whore because whenever I liked someone, they said, "I would rather die in a hole than date you," and I moved on pretty quick.

People made fun of how I dressed cause I would always wear big shirts, so I started to dress a little more like them, but apparently it wasn't the same. They said I looked like a hooker and a slut... I didn't know what to think, so I went back to being me and dressing the way I did because I liked it.

I walked with my head down, hoping no one would notice me though.

It's kinda cool how words can change a person's life forever, but what's sad is that people use words in a mean way and bring others down. I am ashamed for letting their words get to me, and they will always be in my head.

I was called many names, but the name calling didn't hurt me (that much). What hurt me was that when people walked by they would stick their finger in their mouth and act like they are gagging because the sight of me was so disgusting.

People would bump into me in the halls and cause me to drop my stuff. I began to hate myself because I didn't think I was good enough for them, I didn't think I was pretty.

Some people would pick on me because my spelling is horrible. Although that didn't really hurt it still doesn't make it right.

I thought no one liked me and that no one ever would, then I met my best friend. I told her what people did and she told me that it wasn't right. Sometimes she saw what they did but didn't speak up because she was afraid... just like I was.

I soon began to look up bullying stories on Youtube and saw that people weren't strong enough to stay on earth. I saw in the comments how many people cared about them. At that moment I knew I couldn't give up, I couldn't just quit.

So a few weeks later I was being bullied again. This time was different though, I stood up for myself. I told them, "It's not right what you do to others!! You bully a bunch of people and make them feel worthless! NO ONE should feel below others and it's time we did something about it!" They never bothered me or anyone else again.

After I was strong enough to stand up for myself, I was able to help others stand up for themselves. Although I stood up for myself, I didn't do it completely, I guess you could say I bully myself and believe what others say is true (unless it is nice). Sometimes a person just needs a little push before they can fly.

I know what happened to me isn't as bad as some people but I wanted the victims to know not to give up. You may not see it, but people care about you. You perfect the way you are and NO kind of bullying should be allowed. I hope you stay strong and win the fight. Stand up for yourself and stand up for others, you could save a life.

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