Submitted by @5sohemmings, Author of "Traveling with the Magcon Boys"

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In sixth grade, I dated a boy at my school. Everything was going well but eventually we broke up. His friends started calling me names and saying I cut myself. I don't.

They spread rumors and said I'm a slut. I didn't do anything to them. They told me I should die in a hole and that no one would care if I were gone anyways. I came home crying most of the time.

My mom finally went to talk to the principal and during class, I was called up. They made me tell them everything and checked my wrists. After that, they left me alone for a while.

Then about a week later it all started up again. This time they were telling one of my crushes I was a whore and telling him I sleep with everyone.

I stayed home from school for a couple days but had to go back.

My friend, a guy, told me he didn't want to be my friend anymore because he was annoyed by all the bullying going on with me and he didn't want to deal with it. I, of course, said fine and left him alone.

After a while the guy I dated started things with me, but told his mom I was doing things to him. His mom is a cop and she always threatened to arrest me.

I soon left the school and did homeschool. I didn't like it at all. So, I went back to public school, the same school.

Everything was fine until the end of seventh grade. The same boys started calling me a whore every time they saw me. I, again, left the school and finished off the year with homeschool and moved 30 minutes away.

My friends, or ex-friends, were there for me. Only one of them took my best friend away from me. So, they started stuff. They are currently writing a book about me and call me names. They prank call my house and tell people we tie up our dogs. I ignore them now but I learned they were never really my friends.

My story isn't much but I still wanted to be able to share my experience in bullying.

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