Submitted by @Heartcuffs

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I just want to talk about how sexism gets worse when you leave the western world. I'll focus on Nigeria, my home country.

There's this girl, she was my senior in secondary school. I'll call her Grace. Grace, was, to put it plainly, a "slut." A long time ago, I thought bad about "sluts." See, where I come from, Nigeria, sexual activity among young people is practically forbidden. Religion rules my country, so it's no sex before marriage, short clothes are sinful, kissing is taboo, blah blah blah.

So, yeah, Grace. Grace would do things with boys, go to second base, sometimes third base, and come back to narrate everything. I don't know if anyone ever warned her. I certainly didn't (their set was vicious, and I didn't want to die). Grace was a fragile girl, so even if I did approve of her promiscuity at the time, I wouldn't have wanted her doing all that. I think she was really desperate for love, which is why she let her fuckwit off-and-on boyfriend kick her around like a football.

Anyway, something happened in school. She was giving head to a boy in the girls' bathroom and they got caught by a teacher, and the matter went up there. You know, to the arseholes at the top. She and the boy were flogged on assembly, and I can't remember if they got suspended or not. I didn't think much of it.

But later, during a class, my government teacher told us something. He was the one who had carried out the flogging, and he narrated how Grace's parents took him to the police station. Grace has very light, sensitive skin, and he clearly stated that he really lacerated her back, and her parents were pissed.

It became a serious debate between two groups at the police station. Group 1 thought the girl got what she deserved, and should have gotten more than the boy for the shame she brought on her family. Group 2 thought my teacher went too far. Group 1 - mostly men. Group 2 - mostly women. The police let my teacher go. The stupid bastard went on to talk about how he would seriously trash his daughters if they ever tried that nonsense. Bring shame to him? What?! He's a Muslim, but I don't think that has to do with anything. If he had boys and they used a girl, they wouldn't get trashed as much. He's the kind of guy who would disown his daughters if they had sex before marriage even as adults. My teacher acted like it was all Grace's fault.

Flogging (among various other forms of corporal punishment) isn't a shocking thing where I come from, but I was suddenly pissed that they got flogged for it. I was pissed that he really hurt Grace and yet the police did not carry out justice. I was pissed that my teacher was surprised that the policewomen were defending Grace. But why wouldn't they? How is it solely the girl's fault if the boy himself demanded to have his dick sucked, or at least agreed to have it sucked? In this country where I live, it is the girl that is at fault, she is a slut, harlot, prostitute, etc. Girls, cover your bodies, don't get to close to male students, etc. Nobody teaches boys to respect girls. I'm really tired of it.

It's so bad that girls are circumcised so that they can "control" their sexual urges. Boys don't have their dicks destroyed, so why is it the girl, who also has to suffer through childbirth, that has her vagina turned into some kind of freak experiment? This mentality that girls must keep themselves "holy" while boys run around freely looking for who to screw has to change. I'm very glad that Nigeria, my country, has finally made Female Genital Mutilation illegal. But we still have a long way to go. It's 2015 AD, not 30,000 BC, so why are we still protesting this shit?

They say you should be patriotic, but I can't accept this country. Sometimes I can't even accept that I'm an earthling. I really hate this place. My dream is to stop all this nonsense. I'm tired of seeing girls being married off at age 10, and yet somebody can still grind pepper and pour it on her daughter's vagina because the young girl is sneaking out to nightclubs at age eleven.

My friend said her twenty-something-year-old sister, a university graduate, wanted to move out, but her parents said they'll disown her. She can't leave the house till she's married. Meanwhile her brother can move out as soon as he wants.

Then my old classmate actually said her mum wants her sons to move out as soon as they leave secondary school (at like sixteen), but her husband has to carry her from the house. She was okay with it, but really. I was like "I'm done," and she thought I was a fool for wanting to leave my house as soon as I turn eighteen when I'm not a boy.

I don't even know where to start. Thank God for social media, and thank God for Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Girls need to learn to own themselves, to make their own decisions, to live whatever sexual lives they want as long as they stay safe, and when it comes to girls in Nigeria... I'm willing to spend my whole life protesting this shit.

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