Submitted by @katelovessmiles

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When I was in second grade, I just moved to a new school and the second I stepped inside I heard mean things. I went to recess and was called things no 7-year-old should hear. I was called things like: gross, fat, ugly, and more that I've blocked out. By the end of the day, my lunch was splattered on my clothes from someone who threw my tray at me. I was in tears. The teachers were so oblivious to it.

This continued until 5th grade. I heard my first rumor about me. By now, I had two friends but they were in different classes so I saw them at lunch and recess. They stopped talking to me. Someone told them I hated them and they should stay away from me because I was a skank. I was called that by the older kids.

In 6th grade I was called fat, ugly, whore, skank, slut, bitch, and more on the first week. I was ashamed of my looks and body. I would wear baggy clothes and a lot of makeup. I'd keep my hair down to hide my face. Some people said I was wearing the baggy clothes to hide the fact that I was pregnant.

I faked being sick. I deleted social media to avoid being called "a slutty bitch who sleeps around so much that she has STDs." This continued for two years. The comments made me self harm and hate myself.

Now, I joined an anxiety and depression group. I feel better and I don't let them get to me. Sure, I still hear the occasional "slut bitch face" but I'm telling you. It's going to be okay.

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