Submitted by @em1swanny

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Well it all started when I moved schools and I started year nine(I live in England). It was a totally new school and I didn't know anyone. The first lesson we had was Physical Education and it was only a briefing lesson, then afterwards the teacher gave us some time to talk and as I was the new girl all the girls crowded round me asking me questions, etc.

One said, "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" and I, being bad at first impressions, said, "Yeah but I've never been dumped because who would dump this pretty face?" I'm very sarcastic and they didn't get it and for the next few days everywhere I went I heard, "She's so full of herself, she's such a bitch."

I had one friend who was really mean to me, kept ditching me places, and I just felt completely left out until I started liking this boy and then he asked me out and I said yes. We went out for 3 weeks, I had my first kiss, and all was well until he dumped me and then the torment started.

Apparently he only went out with me to be the first person to dump me and people kept asking me how it felt to be dumped. A few months later it had all quietened down and I found an amazing group of friends who I'm still friends with now, when I decided to tell them my biggest secret.

I'm bisexual and they were really accepting and we got on with our lives. I fell for my friend, unknowing that she was bisexual as well, and when she told me I asked her out immediately. Then when word got out we were going out, people stared and whispered about it and I hated it.

They called me a slut,  an attention whore for being bisexual. I was so sad and now everything has calmed down. So the moral of this story is life gets better if you live it out. If it gets to bad move schools, just please don't end your life.

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