Submitted by @soddiepop

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I was bullied for a lot of middle school. In 5th grade I meet a girl, Vanessa, who I would call my best friend. We were so excited for middle school to start. We were going to be besties forever. Once 6th grade started people didn't like me. I mean I've never done anything to them, they just didn't like me.

And one girl in particular didn't like me, so she would ask Vanessa, "Why do you hang out with such a loser?" and at the time I didn't know any of this was happening. Vanessa, unfortunately, took what the girl said very truthfully and told me we shouldn't be friends anymore. I was crushed but I hung out with other people, the "uncool" people.

By the end of 6th grade we patched things up and again we were friends. 7th grade came, Vanessa and I made new friends, Sabrina and Rachael, and again they didn't like me (I had never even talked to them before the start of that year). Rachel use to make jokes about my clothes and my hair. Vanessa and Sabrina would laugh at them. Now that I think back they were stupid jokes but at the time they were so hurtful.

Vanessa used to write me letters saying she was my best friend and she didn't care that they didn't like me, she liked me and that's all that matters. The bullying moved on from just my "friends" to the people in my class. A guy named David used to make fun of me. He'd call me names and make rude comments about me and a girl I knew since 2nd grade (his girlfriend) would just let him.

He even made up a rumor that I liked a guy and everyone believed it. The guy wouldn't even stand to touch me with a 10 foot pole. David found out who my real crush was and threatened to tell him. I was so scared, I didn't want this to get out. But you know, come to think of it now, the only person that knew who I liked was Vanessa. It got so bad that I would cry in class and I even cut my wrist (that stopped very fast).

8th grade year came and Vanessa again said we shouldn't be friends but that only lasted a few weeks. That year was okay - they were still mean to me. Anytime David or his friends got near me I would shut down. People began to notice and ask why. I would just say that It was nothing, that they were crazy and I was fine... no one knew what was going on except for a few.

Later that year a group of boys were caught selling and watching porn (still don't know if that's true or not) and David and his group moved their attention from me to that group of boys. After having been bullied by them for a year and a half I was happy to not be in the spotlight anymore. Unfortunately, I took the wrong approach and began bullying these boys. I never actually told them anything but I also never stood up for them. I was just so happy to not being the main object anymore. The bullying of them because of the porn got so bad one of them had to move away. The other was basically shunned in class (even by some teachers). The only good thing is that the other boy actually got a lot of props from some guys.

8th grade finally ended. I finally moved on from that. Once high school started I was ready for a new start. Unfortunately it wasn't much of a new start. Freshman year was fine, nothing too eventful. Sophomore year, my new best friend (Carolina) got a boyfriend. She ignored me and my other friend Kali. Kali and I moved on, we got over it.

I also came out as bisexual. Junior year Kali and I started drifting apart - she has a new girlfriend (and yes I mean girlfriend, not a girl who is a friend).

One of my pervy guy friends in band found out about me being bi and almost every day he would ask me to have sex with him. He would stare at my boobs all class long. He would make me feel so bad about myself. He'd call me fat and ugly. He'd say the only thing that was good about me was my boobs. He'd make crude comments about me sleeping with girls. He'd say that every lesbian turned him on and I was the exception. He never let a day pass without making some comment about my sexuality.

Fortunately he has left band and I no longer have to see him. Senior year has just started. I still have problems but I think it will turn out okay... To anyone reading this, please know that you are not alone and you will never be alone. Someone is always there for you, even if its me. Anyone who feels they have no one, you can talk to me anytime.

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