Submitted by Serena Callisto

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Well, my name is Serena Callisto. I've grown quite a lot, but when I was younger than I am now, I didn't think the world had a bad thing in it. I thought it was made JUST for my pleasure. It wasn't, it still isn't.

I had just started a new school with my big sister and I was excited. I was nice, kind... innocent. I thought everyone wanted to be my friend. But a guy wanted more. One day he cornered me and kissed me. I pushed him off and ran, but I was terrified I was going to be in trouble, so I kept quiet.

Important note here, it's not your fault. Speak up! You're not in the wrong. Tell someone you trust. They'll help.

I didn't know this at the time, so I kept my mouth shut and walked into school. A popular girl walked up and slapped me. She said, "You little slut you think it's funny to kiss my boyfriend? You little bitch!" I was hurt, but I thought I deserved it. So I took it. It got worse, and worse, for each day.

Then it became physical. I was kicked, punched, even strangled once. Then the boy did something I can never forgive or forget. He pulled me into the boys' bathroom and tried to rape me. He had his jeans and boxers down, and tried to force my skirt down. I screamed and kicked his crotch, and ran out screaming.

I told my sister and - I'm still grateful to her to this day - she told our parents. The boy was expelled, and his parents made him apologise, and punished him so much. My sister broke his nose, she was so angry. And the name calling stopped. But I wasn't innocent any more.

But now, my big sister lets me sit with her and her friends at lunch! Nobody messes with me anymore, and my sister and her friends are in the popular group. And they were all soooo nice. I'm grateful to them to this day. But my experience taught me, speaking up makes a difference. It always has, always will. It's not your fault!

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