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I gripped the sheet tighter, knuckles whitening as he continued to yell at someone outside my field of view. Selfishly glad that it wasn't me, I jumped as he suddenly launched a fist at someone sending them to the floor. Despite my fear that he would turn on me afterwards, I wondered what could be outside that had made him so furious. Curiosity getting the best of me I inched slowly off the bed and tiptoed sideways placing each foot down as quietly as possible. Trying to avoid his attention but at the same time gain a better view I grew frustrated when I still wasn't able to see anything so I moved further only to trip on the trailing ends of the sheet. The slightly chilly air caught my exposed skin, freshly freed from the sheet that helped maintain my shattered remains of my modesty. 

I inhaled sharply when my foolish action caught his attention and his head snapped around as if he forgot I was in the room. Anger rolled off of him in waves and when his gaze fixed upon mine, I couldn't stop myself from flinching which brought a frown to his face and his expression was transformed into one of a concern. 

Transfixed, unable to look away I caught a glimpse of the opposite wall splattered in blood when he turned back into the hallway. Without permission my eyes followed the trail down as if someone had slumped against the wall until it ended in a large pool of congealing blood at its base, the solid colour punctured only by a silver glint of that distinctive knife that was once held up against my throat. Disturbed at the edges, with multiple footprints staining the floor I gulped as my head calculated the disturbing meaning of that amount of blood. I had a feeling the blood belonged to Jamar as he had cleaned that knife so carefully that he wouldn't have just left it lying on the ground like that but despite what he did to me no one deserved to die.

Legs feeling like jelly and unable to move far in my shocked sate I soon gave up and curled up into a ball, the sheet draping over my body. Tucking my knees under my chin and squeezing my eyes I prayed that I was just imagining all this and that I hadn't just witnessed two murders in the matter of hours. Gently rocking myself I tried to block out his lowered, yet still deadly voice, but I couldn't help but my mind and ears weren't listening to my wishes.

"Why isn't this cleared up by now?"

"I..I...I," an unknown voice answered.

"I...I, shut the fuck up and answer me without your mumblings," he mocked.

"Sorry Sir, we seem to have run out of bleach to clean off the blood so we were going-

"I don't want to hear any bloody excuses, I want this done by the time I come back, or you'll be adding to the blood to clean up, do you hear me?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sir. I'll get right to it," he rushed out and after a dismissive wave he scampered away down the hall as if hell hounds were snapping at his heels.

Moments later I flinched back from his sudden touch, not having heard him come closer, and  looked up to see him crouched in front of me. The door was shut behind him, blocking the view that will remain ingrained in my memory forever like negative memories tend to do. 

"Come on please stop shaking: no one's going to hurt you. You're safe with me," he whispered but it did nothing to sway my fears as I knew that that could quite easily be me if I got on his bad side. His clearly short fuse only made it more likely. 

"Wha...What happened?" I stuttered afraid of the answer but needing to know what had ended a man's life, and especially if it was my fault.

"He deserved it. No one is allowed to touch you apart from me. You belong with me," he said, jaw clenched and his grip tightening as if to prove the point. 


"Don't worry about it, it was just one of my men. He doesn't mean anything. Idiot thought he could get in my good books if he brought you to me, and he would have been too, if he didn't make such a fucking bad job of it; hurting you in the process... I don't know why I surround myself with idiots; I mean did he think I wouldn't notice the bruises on your arm where he gripped you or where he hit you in the face. No one hurts you not even one of my top dogs; Jamar should've known that," he said shaking his head. 

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