I couldn't think. My mind having trouble processing all the jumbled confused thoughts floating in my head, it was like I was going crazy. I felt like screaming to the world but my lips refused to part from the furious abuse it was getting from my teeth. As my lips began to bleed, without consciously meaning to, I took a tentative step forward followed by another and then another bringing me slowly closer to the terrifying group that made me feel dirty by their gaze. But more importantly I was moving towards the boy struggling at their feet. The boy with blood covering his face and trailing down his body in rivers, to then seep into the shirt that lay forgotten at his feet. The boy whose eyes clearly were saying for me to run and yet I couldn't obey them as he was also the boy that I loved and who apparently loved me, a fact that I had only recently discovered.
Getting within an arm's reach of them, the leader released Matt only for him to object, sounding so heartbreakingly sad that it made fresh tears make rivets down my face.
"NO! Kitty please..."
"Shut him up," he ordered all humour drained from his expression.
A gun was pulled and raised up to Matt making me gasp and rush forwards to stand between them, knowing that they wanted me alive at least. There was some reason why they didn't want to, or couldn't, hurt me and it terrified me to think that I would soon discover what that reason was.
"Wait! Please stop. Just take me, I'll go willingly, just...just don't hurt him," I muttered unable to think of a world without Matt in it somewhere.
"Kitty you can't do this, please. It doesn't matter what happens to me, but you have to get away please," Matt begged, his wet head falling forward against my lower back.
His uneven breath on my skin made me shiver but not in a good way as his blood spluttered with every breath, reminding me how bad of a condition he was already in. I didn't trust to look away from the man in front of me whose beady eyes seemed to be undressing me where I stood so I dropped down so I could whisper to Matt.
"I can't do that Matty, they'd kill you. It doesn't matter what happens to me, so many people care about you Matt and you can do so much with your life, so please..." I said, taking a deep breath. "Please, just let me go," I whispered as tears plummeted in a torrent down my face although I managed to keep the sobs at bay. Only Matt would miss me, my parents would only pretend to for their precious image they had to maintain, whereas Matt had plenty of family and friends that would.
"No you're wrong Kitty. I love you, isn't that enough..." a rare sob escaping from his lips.
"Matt..." I began sadly but before I could say anything else, beady eyes interrupted once again.
"Oh for goodness sake, just knock him out all ready!" He ordered sighing in boredom, the situation obviously not entertaining him anymore.
Before I could make any sort of move, I felt his weight fall forwards un-expectantly nearly making my knees buckle. His dead weight was lifted from my back by the goons on either side and I spun around fully ignoring beady eyes completely. I lifted his head up trying to rouse him but his head was just rolling on his neck.
"Matt please don't be dead, you can't leave me, you promised. You promised!" I yelled cupping his bloodied face.
"Oh shut up why don't you, he's not dead...yet that is," he said exasperatedly. "Now lets get a move on and keep your trap shut as you're giving me a headache. Bring him with us," he added gesturing towards the still limp Matt as he turned away.
"No! You said you only wanted me. Let him go, I'll come with you, only me, that was the deal," I said grabbing his arm.
He looked down at his arm and I withdrew my hand as if it was burned.

Freedom [Complete, 18+]
RomanceRipped away from the one person who ever truly cared about her, Katherine soon discovers how cruel the world could be. Katherine thought the idea of being just another tick box for her parent's marriage was the worst thing that could happen to her...