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"Get out!" A familiar voice ordered and I cowered against the opposite wall. Sean was dragged out, dropping harshly onto the sharp gravel. "Kitty get out here now and don't even think about running or your new boyfriend will be buried alive," Damien's hard voice said. He spoke quietly but that was when I had learned to fear him more. 

Crawling slowly towards the door I gulped as I took in the reception waited to greet me. I flinched as Damien reached out and dragged me forward with a bruising grip. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as I was yanked into an empty warehouse. The factory lights blazed on and Damien shoved me to the floor, Sean dropped down next to me having been carried in by two guys. I don't know what was in that dart but it was strong to say the least since he was still out of it despite the rough handling.  

"What did you give him? Never mind, cuff him and then wake him the fuck up he's useless like this. There's adrenaline in the office if you need it."

Lucas seemed to take great pleasure in trying to wake him up by pain, wincing with each blow. I didn't have to take it for too long though as Damien's iron look made Lucas reluctantly reach for the adrenaline. I watched carefully as he filled the syringe and was thankful when he didn't fill it too far, scared about the potential interaction. The syringe jabbed in violently and Sean jerked upwards gasping. 

"Holy shit!" Sean yelled, eyes wide and analytical as he took in the situation. 

I could see his eyes assessing as his muscles flexed trying to break the metal cuffs he was in. He silently asked if I was okay and I nodded in return. 

"Right now that you are with us we have a couple of things to discuss," Damien said smiling as he traced a finger down my ripped shirt so it opened up. 

I bit my lip and dug my nails into my palm to keep myself from reacting as that is what he wanted anyway. He got that from Sean instead who spat expletives until his breath was knocked out of him.  Hands and feet bound he was defenceless against them as they used it as excuse and yet he still wouldn't give in. Wouldn't ask for mercy but I would. 

"Stop!" I said in my most careless tone since I could feel Damien's eyes burning into the side of my head and I didn't want to give him any other reasons to hurt him. 

"Harder. Beat him harder," Damien ordered. 

I winced as the sounds grew harsher and Sean unwillingly cried out for the first time. With blurry eyes I watched as he curled in on himself for protection against the never ending onslaught. 

"Stop, please stop," I cried out softly. "I beg you!"

I turned towards Damien fully, asking him what it was that he wanted from me.  

"Come closer little Kitty."  

I looked sideways at Sean before exhaling sharply and doing as he asked. 

"Sean?" I reminded as I felt his disgusting gaze sweep down my ripped clothes.  

"Yes, yes. Leave him be," he ordered smiling and the men beating Sean stopped after one more blow. "Take off your top," his smile vanished when I didn't do it immediately and raised his arm as if to signal the beating to continue. 

"D...Don't Ri. It's allllright," Sean wheezed out.

I closed my eyes and with shaking fingers shrugged off my torn top, hating the vile calls that greeted me. I bit my lip as he grasped my right breast, squeezing and twisting painfully. 

"You've got even bigger Kitty but still not any smarter I see. You twist so easily when you hear the sounds of others in pain, back then it was your little Rosie," a sob broke from me at the reminder. "So little and fragile, shame she died so young," he said so offhand that I wanted to break his neck. 

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