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Pain that was the first thing I felt. Pain, pain and yet more pain. I groaned as it wracked through my body when I realised I was still trapped in my weak useless frame. Opening my eyes I winced from the bright light and after a moment to adjust, looked down to investigate my bandaged wrists, one which was currently seeping blood. I lifted up a hand to feel my wrist only for it to just drop back down onto to the bed as a jolt of throbbing pain lifting my hand brought on. Light headed, I rested my head back into the plump pillows and squeezed my eyes shut to fulfil my fantasy for a while longer. 

"How are we today miss?" A vaguely familiar voice asked to which I didn't respond.

I heard footsteps coming closer and despite my idea to feign being asleep once more I tensed as the unknown person touched my arm. 

"Slight pulling sensation now," the authoritative voice stated just before something long and thin was pulled out of my arm. 

Jerking despite the warning, my eyes burst open to see the remains of an IV leaving, thick red liquid filling the small tubing. I had always hated seeing blood ever since I joined the senior school. Someone had thought it would be hilarious to place road kill in my back pack on my first day but funnily enough I didn't find it at all funny. Ever since, I firmly believed that what was inside the body should remain there and never be seen outside of it. I don't know how I overcame the usual queasy feeling when I was in the bathroom but I think it probably was because I was so focused on my goal that I would've done anything. Goal now far out of sight the sight of the small pool where the cannula was previously I suddenly felt the bile rush up and I turned my head just in time as I vomited all over the pillow. At some point I registered that a bowl had been placed under my head and my hair was being held back. 

Drained I sank back down, unable to move over and away from my own vomit: I could hardly move my hands so putting pressure on them was out of the question and my legs felt like jelly, like I hadn't used them in years. My head pounded as the horrible acidic taste filled my mouth. 

"Can I get some help in here please?" He called out as he sat the bowl back down on the side. The door crashed open, slamming against the wall and footsteps entered in a rush. His dreaded voice called out and my fantasy was finally shattered.

"What happened, doc? Is she awake?" 

"Yes Sir she just woke up, but please don't rush anything she's very weak at the moment, Sir."

The calming voice addressed the man I hated and somehow I knew that I could trust this man, or as much as I could trust anyone here.

"Fine doc and thanks again for saving her. What do you need?" He asked with the first resemblance of respect he had showed anyone. 

"Well I was just taking out the IV and discovered that this one's fond of blood as she threw up at the sight of it," finishing off with a slight chuckle which was swiftly echoed by other people in the room. "I just needed some help to move her to another bed that's clean. If you could grab her there and you there and on the count of three: one, two, three." He directed hands onto my body and before I knew it I was lifted up and placed on a similar bed that was parallel. 

Keeping my eyes tightly shut in an attempt to fake sleep I soon heard the monster say he just needed to make a quick call outside but he would be back soon for an update. He brushed hair out of my face and kissed me briefly on the forehead before his footsteps disappeared. 

My previous bed was stripped, thankfully taking that awful vomit smell away so I could breathe again though I didn't know which one was worse when the smell of disinfectant replaced it. My eyes snapped open as I connected disinfect with hospital, because if we were at a hospital then I could get help. I could get away. Knowing that I had a short window of escape I screamed as loud as I could for help but it was no use as no one came running. My throat rapidly became raw, dehydrated as I appeared to be.

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