Chapter One

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*Miley's POV*

I stand in the middle of Luke's old cabin. I never let Chiron give it to anyone and never let them tear it down. It's been three years and I still wear the engagement ring Luke proposed to me with. Everyone has been telling me that it's been long enough and to stop waiting, saying that the 'Lightning Thief' will never come for me. 

I know that what Luke did was wrong, but I can't be mad at him. I love him even after all these years, even after everyone told me to move on. Marco has stuck around and comforted me, but even my best friend can't fill the hole in my heart. Dylan and Paris went into the mortal world and are living as normal lives as possible. Jake and Eddie are still around, but Morales was killed by a monster during one of his quests. 

"Sis? Miles? Are you in here?" I heard Clarisse ask from the doorway. I smiled and turned around, "I am." Clarisse walked into the cabin and hugged me, "I know you miss him and I will never tell you to move on. Aphrodite told you to believe and that he would come back for you. That's all you need. Luke will be back." 

I smiled and hugged her back, "Come on. Let's go bug Chris. I haven't messed with him in a while." Clarisse laughed as we both walked out with each other's arms on each other shoulders. "Miles!!!" Marco came running over, "I missed you!" I laughed, "You saw me an hour ago!" Marco, son of Apollo, smiled, "Let's go. Chiron and Mr. D want you to sit with them during the event." 

I smiled and looked at Clarisse, "Jackson might be my friend, but you are my sister. Kick his ass, Clary." Clarisse grinned and hugged me, then runs off to the fighting tower. Marco links his arm with mine and leads me to Mr. D and Chiron, "I know you miss Luke, but please consider trying to move on. I know you don't want to hear it, but what if he never comes?" I frowned, "I'll consider it, but I know that Luke will come for me. I feel it." 

I walked up to the stage and sat down beside Mr.D, "How is your day so far, Mr. D?" Mr. D sighs, "Terrible." I shook my head with a smile and pulled a bottle out of my pocket, "Even with Domaine de la Romanée - Conti 1945?" Mr. D gasps and smiles, "This is why you are my favorite! Thank you!" Mr. D hugs me and takes the bottle. Chiron smiles and shakes his head, watching our interaction.

Mr. D and I flinch as a camper is shoved off the tower, landing painfully. "Ooh. Ooh" Mr. D says, sucking in a breath. Mr. D picks up a bottle and pours him and myself a glass, "1997 Xinomavro. Would you like a taste?" 

Chiron sighs and walks over, "Why? Why do you torture yourself, Dionysus? Why drag Miley into this?" I giggle at their conversation and then flinch as two more campers fell. "It was one transgression. One," Mr. D said as he poured me a glass and handed it to me. I smiled and took a sip. "And with a naiad, for the sake of Olympus. How was I to know that Zeus had a thing for her, or that he could hold a grudge for so long?" Mr. D pours himself a glass, only for it to turn into water.

I giggled uncontrollably as Chiron laughs, "I think the fact that Zeus is immortal means there's no limit to how long he can hold a grudge." I giggle more, trying not to spill my drink, "Here Mr. D, you can have mine." Mr. D smiled and took my glass, only for it to turn into water as well. Mr. D groaned loudly as my glass also turned into water. 

I laughed harder as he gave it back and Zeus turned my glass back into wine. Mr. D huffs and looks at the sky, "You know, the Christians have a guy who can do this trick in reverse. Now, that's a god!" I laugh, waiting for Zeus to cause a commotion. 

I turn to watch Percy and Clarisse battle it out for the win, "Let's go, Clarisse!!!" I cheer as Percy jumps down to save a camper that is stuck in a ladder, only for him to get hit in the face and fall to the ground. "Oooh," I flinch in pain for him. 

I go back to cheering for Clarisse as she takes the trophy from the top of the tower, "That's my sister!!!" I step down from the stage after kissing Chiron and Mr. D on the cheek to go check up on Percy. I walk by Clarisse and congratulate her with a smile.

"You okay, Perce?" I ask him. Percy sighs, "Other than Clarisse kicking my ass....again. I'm fine." Grover grits her teeth, "Even for the daughter of the god of War, that girl is a mythic bit-" I look at Grover shocked, I know that Clarisse can come off harsh and ego-filled but that's just her. I sighed, "I'm going to chill out in my cabin, see you guys tomorrow." I hug them all with a smile, then Annabeth caught my arm. "I know you miss him, Miley. I'm so sorry." Annabeth hugged me and I teared up, "You guys are so sweet. I'm sorry you were put in that position."

I walk off to my cabin to cry....again.

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