Final PT.2 (Short)

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Six Years Later

*Miley's POV*

I giggled and crept around our house, looking for Marcus, Luke and I's five-year-old, almost six, son. "Where are you, Marc?" I smiled and turned around to hear a giggle from behind a couch. I crept closer to the couch and grinned, "Found you!" Marcus giggled and yelled out, "Not yet, mummy! Daddy get her!" I squealed when Luke appeared out of nowhere and started tickling me.

I laughed and tried to get away from Luke, "No! Honey, please!" Luke laughed, "No can do wifey!" Marcus giggled and sat by my head as I took deep breaths, recovering from the tickle fest. "Mummy! Can Auntie Clary and The Godfather come over to play?" Marcus asked smiling. I groaned and glared at Luke, "What did I tell you about letting him watch that movie?!" 

Luke smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, he really wanted to watch it again." I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Okay. Marcus, I'll call them and see if they want to come over." Marcus cheered and ran out of the room.

Luke smiled and cupped my cheek, "I love you so much, Miley." I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you too. Are you sure you don't want to just go back to camp one last time?" Luke sighed, "The gods might have forgiven me three years ago, but I have no reason to go back. You and Marcus are my world and I will never go back to what I used to be. I love the both of you." 

I smiled and set a hand on my stomach, "What about the three of us?" Luke grinned and lay beside me on the floor, placing a hand on my stomach, "I love the three of you. Don't ever think I don't."

I smiled and cuddled up against Luke, "I want a girl." Luke chuckled, "I want twin girls. I know I said four total, but if we had twin girls and then twin boys. It would be amazing." I giggled, "You're lucky I have a baby fever right now. That sounds crazy."

Luke kissed my forehead, "While I don't want to go back to camp, once Marcus is older and we explain everything to him, he can make that choice." I smiled, "You're such a good dad." Luke smirked, "I know."

I laughed and smiled as Marcus came sprinting into the room and flopped onto Luke's stomach. Everything has been crazy for so many years, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

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