Chapter Twelve

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Luke and I didn't go back to camp as soon as we hit New York. I sent Mr. D an Iris message telling him everything that happened, getting one back with a lecture about the resident crazy that I was engaged to and to stay away. Nice try alcohol man, I ain't leaving him.

We got to the Empire State Building, I decided that it was best to head there immediately instead of waiting for a message from the gods for Luke's punishment. Luke shifted in his place in the elevator, "You know, we don't have to come here. A telegram or smite would be sufficient." 

I giggled, "No, we are going to do this. You're not dying and if you were I would let you drop down to Polyphemus." Luke sighed and kissed my head, "Where would I be without you?" I snort, "Dead probably." 

The elevator stops and I walk out, looking back to see Luke terrified. I walked back and cupped his face, "I'll be there with you. I promise that nothing terrible will happen." Luke took a deep breath and took my hand, letting me lead him into the throne room after we climbed all those steps. 

"Luke Castellan. Son of Hermes. You have committed a terrible crime. Face your punishment," Zeus boomed, making Luke flinch. I looked around at all the gods' faces. The majority of them looked angry and disappointed, but Hermes looked ashamed. Hermes spoke up, "Luke. I'm so sorry for everything. I couldn't possibly know how angry and much hatred you had for me, but yet I deserve it. This is my fault father, punish me." 

The gods started whispering and I smile softly, seeing the look on Luke's face as he hears his father admit that he was wrong. Luke sighed and stood up straight, "No Father. It's my fault. I chose to seek revenge instead of taking Miley's advice and ignoring it. I will take whatever punishment that Lord Zeus gives me." 

Everyone looks amazed at Luke and I am so proud. "What should his punishment be Father?" Athena asks, glaring at Luke. Zeus starts to think and I interrupt, "My lords and ladies, what Luke did was very, very, very wrong. I only ask you to think about your decision. Luke has admitted to what he's done and intends to correct it. I have a proposition." 

Zeus leans forward as Ares looks smug and proud of me, Athena watches me carefully, "What did you have in mind?" I smile and kiss Luke's hand and he blushes, "I think we can all agree that our wedding has been put off for long enough, I-" Athena scoffs, "This is nonsense." 

Ares snapped, "Let her finish before I do something and make you pay." Aphrodite sets a hand on my father's arm, "I know you are antsy about your daughter's wedding, but please be civil." Ares sighs, "Continue, Miley."

I nodded, "I think that Luke and I should get married as soon as possible and while we live in our home, making the future and the family we talked about. Luke can be put on probation of sorts. No access to anything demigod related until he has proven to be trustworthy again. We would be living a normal life up until you as our gods and parents deem that he can be in the demigod world again. Put him through tests, nothing too bad or extreme, just something to prove himself with." 

Zeus and Athena looked impressed and Zeus looked at me, "You never fail to surprise me Aetos. Always looking out for someone. Making sure that their decision is the best one. I like your plan. Castellan, can you agree to this? Once we deem that you won't pull the same stunt, you will be able to come here when needed or summoned and you will be able to access Camp Half-Blood." 

Luke nodded rapidly, "I can agree. Anything to keep being with my love." Aphrodite awed and looked at Zeus, "I think we can all agree that we will make random check-ins, your friends Miley can still visit you, but with your plan, you have to stay with Luke." 

I nodded, "I'm not going anywhere without him, Lady Aphrodite." Zeus nodded, "So be it. I like the plan Aetos. Don't make me regret it. The wedding will be in a week. The both of you will stay here for the ceremony and I'll tell Dionysus the news, telling him to send your friends here. You will have the wedding you both have waited for." 

Aphrodite cheered and ran out of the room, yelling out orders and demands for the wedding, with everyone running after her to help with the plans. 

I giggled and squealed as Luke spun me around, "You are an angel. I'm so happy that you love me." I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you so much." My father came over and smacked Luke on the back, "You are in so much trouble, but I know my daughter can help you see the right way. Make her happy." 

I smiled and gazed Luke in the eyes, "He already does father. He does it quite well." 

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