Chapter Three

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Miley's POV

I sat on the steps of Luke's cabin, crying. Everyone else went to check out Thalia's tree. I know Luke had something to do with it and I don't really want to see everyone's pitying eyes on my figure so I stayed back. 

"I figured I'd find you here," Mr. D came walking over. I sniffled, "I just wish he would come back to me. We'd leave and forget everything. He's still angry at his father." Mr. D sighs, "I know. I'm sorry. Come to the big house. I don't want you to be alone, nor anyone else just stares at you with pitying eyes." 

I stood up and followed him, just wrapping my arms around myself.


I sat down on the couch that Mr. D had in his office with a glass of water in my hands. Annabeth came busting into the office with her tablet. "I'm so sorry, Miley. I am. I also feel that I've been apologizing a lot," Annabeth smiled sadly at me. I smiled and stood up to hug her, "It's okay." 

Mr. D came walking into the room, "It's absolutely out of the question!" Annabeth frowns, "If you could just listen to me for one moment, I-" Mr. D walks past her, "I am listening. You want to go on a quest. Oh, it must be Thursday." I giggled at his exaggeration and Grover follows Annabeth.

"I'm serious. I'm absolutely sure that this is going to work," Annabeth explains. Mr. D pours himself some wine that I gave him and gazes at it with love, "It was such a good year. Thank you for finding this for me, Miley."

"The Golden Fleece can heal any living person or thing, including Thalia's tree," Annabeth slams the tablet down, and Mr. D picks it up, "We heal the tree we restore the barrier around the camp. We also get Luke to forget his mission to be evil and come back to Princess Leia. She's heartbroken without him." 

"I'm surprised you want to go along with her on this, Mr. Undershirt," Mr. D said after setting the tablet down. I giggled at Grover's offended look, "Underwood." Mr. D rolls his eyes, "Whatever. I mean, every satyr who has gone after the Fleece has died." 

Grover nods, "Right!? I mentioned that to her!" Annabeth nudges him harshly and Grover sighs, "But it's a risk I'm willing to take for the good of the camp and a risk I'll take for Miley." Mr. D sighs, "Look, the last I heard, the Golden Fleece was in the Sea of Monsters, what the humans call the Bermuda Triangle. A place not only a satyr should be afraid of. So the answer is no. No. I'm sorry Annabelle." 

Annabeth sighs, "Annabeth." Mr. D shakes his head, "Whatever. It's a terrible idea."

-About 10 minutes later-

I'm sitting in the colosseum seats as Mr. D makes his announcement. "I've had a grand idea! Unless Thalia's tree can be cured, Miley's broken heart be fixed, and the protective barrier around our camp restored, then every demigod, centaur, satyr, and nymph will be killed within days, if not sooner.  But, fortunately, I have considered the matter. And after great study, I have determined that the only thing that has the power to save Thalia's tree, and therefore our home, is the Golden Fleece of myth." 

He snaps his fingers and a tapestry rolls open. I feel Tyson start braiding my hair since I was sitting in front of Percy, Grover, Annabeth, and him. "Whose touch can heal every person and everything. So, then, a quest, a mission of mercy, if you will, into uncharted and deadly waters, with nothing less at stake than our own survival. Now, a satyr is naturally drawn, as you know, to the power of the Fleece. And therefore must be someone who will guide a half-blood on this quest." 

I hear Grover whisper to Annabeth, "Thanks a lot." I giggle and Tyson keeps braiding my hair. "Ichneutae!" Mr. D yells out, pointing to him, "Will you guide the champion?" Ichneutae stands up and smirks, "Oh yeah." Everyone cheers and claps for him.

"As who that champion might be, our plight calls for only our finest hero. The best of us, the strongest, and the bravest. The scion of the god of war...Clarisse!" I frown and look at Percy, knowing how much he wanted to prove Clarisse wrong. Percy smiles sadly at me, "It's okay, Miley. I know she's your sister." I smiled and set a hand on his knee, "But you're my friend. I love Clarisse, but you stuck by me when Luke betrayed us. I'll stick by you."

Everyone cheers for my half-sister and Grover sighs, "Her name he gets right." After the campfire Percy runs after Clary. "Clarisse! Clarisse!" Percy calls after her. Clary turns around, "What? Oh, Don't worry about always coming in second, Jackson. You do get used to it. I think, right?" I frown, "Don't be so rude Clary. Please?" 

Clarisse smiles at me, "I'll fix everything, Miley. I promise, even your heartbreak." Percy sighs, "Listen. Luke is still out there. He's involved with the Fleece somehow and I've got a feeling that he's not done yet. He said that he'll come back for Miley. You have to take her with you." 

I frown, "What? Away from Luke? I'm not going. I'm waiting for him." Annabeth sighs, "It is her choice. She loves him." 

Clarisse kisses my forehead, "Be safe while I'm gone okay? Keep everyone else sane and smart too. Love you. Let's go." With that Clarisse and Ichnetae walked away to get ready to leave for the mission. 

Percy walked off and Annabeth grabbed my arm, "Let's get ready, I have a feeling that Percy is gonna need us and I know that we will see Luke. I want to help you get better. Maybe you can get Luke to stop this madness. 

I smiled and ran off to my cabin, getting ready for the quest. 

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