Chapter Eight

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I cuddled up against Luke as he sits in a chair playing chess by himself. We got dressed a couple of minutes ago and I couldn't be happier. I know what Luke is doing is wrong, but I don't want him to leave again. Maybe it might be best to stick by him until he can see what he's doing is wrong. "So you're serious about Tyson?" Luke asked as he moved a chess piece. I smiled and kissed his jaw, "I know your history about his kind. But Tyson couldn't hurt a fly, I told him that I could only be his friend." 

Luke smiled and kissed my head, "That's what I like to hear. Now, watch me beat the invisible man at chess." I giggled and cuddled into him, every now and then kissing Luke's neck to try and distract him. "I want three boys and a girl," I said smiling. Luke smiled, "Raise them in the Bayside home, Use the onesie and blanket for every single one of them."

I smiled at the small smile on Luke's lips, then looked at the chess board confused when it shifted side to side from the tides. Luke looks up, "He's making a disruption." I snuggled into his side, "I don't want to leave you. What you are doing is wrong, but I don't want to lose you." Luke kissed me deeply, "I have to take care of this sweetie."

Luke got up and I groaned, "Luke, listen to me! You don't have to do this!" Luke ignored me as he ran up the stairs. The waves moved to where I slammed against a wall and was knocked unconscious, last thing I heard was Luke screaming my name.

Luke's POV

"Miley!" I screamed, watching her slam against the wall and fall unconscious from the movement of the waves Jackson was causing. I growled, "Jackson!" I set Miley on the couch and placed a blanket on top of her, hopefully, the idiots leave without her and I don't have to lose my mind. I walked up the stairs with murder in my eyes. 

I saw Jackson on the deck fighting Chris, then I turned to another demigod, "Kill the engines." I walked out on the deck as Jackson was standing on top of the roof of the yacht that Miley bought me as a present. "What are you doing?" I asked him, throwing my hands up and Jackson looked confused. "Don't walk on my roof. Miley bought me this. I don't want you to scratch it." 

"Join Miley and me, Percy. It's what you were meant to do. You can't escape that prophecy and you can't stop Miley's. Let's show both of our fathers," I tried to convince Percy for the last time. 

Percy sighed, "It's tempting. But I think Miley and I will pass." I growled, "You better have not taken her off of that couch." Percy nodded and raised his hand to the sea, "I had Tyson safely put her in the lifeboat. I won't let her kill herself over trying to get you to see that you are all she needs. Even if that means taking her way from you." 

Jackson raised some water and I sighed, "Not this again." The water slammed into all of us and I slammed against the side of the rail. I saw Annabeth and that filthy cyclops head away with my fiance and I look to see Percy jump onto a wave, heading out to the boat. 

I jumped onto the wave and walked closer to him, "Jackson, enough. You're on the losing side. Give me Miley. Give me my fiance, NOW!" Percy hit me with water and shoved me off the wave, causing me to fly into the sea....again.

Miley's POV

I groaned and sat up, then going wide-eyed, "Ummmm? Where are we?" I look around and was tackled by Annabeth. "You're awake! I thought you were going to never wake up!" I smiled softly and then frowned, "Did you guys steal me from Luke!?" Percy sighed, "It was needed. He needs to see that this path is wrong. You can change his mind, but you need to be with us to do so."

Tyson smiled and hugged me, "It's good to see you safe." I smiled and hugged him back, "No, seriously. Where are we?" Annabeth sighed, "The Sea of Monsters. Inside the stomach of Charybdis." I scrunched up my nose, "Gross." 

I perked up, hearing Clarisse, "It's Clary!" Percy shakes his head, "No, no. It couldn't be her." "You ridiculously stupid morons!" I smiled and Percy chuckles, "No, it's her." We run, carefully over to Clarisse's ship. 

"You idiot! Better keep my electrical grid up and running, or I'll plug your heads into it!" Clarisse screamed and I giggle. "Clarisse! Hey!" Percy yells out to her and she leans closer and squints, "Jackson?" 

After we got up on the boat, Clarisse smiled and hugged me tightly, "You're here!" She then glared at me, "You're here!? Why are you here?!" Annabeth rolls his eyes, "She was going to stay with Luke." I sighed, "I didn't want to leave him." Clarisse nods, "I understand. You're in love. But I know that you can change his mind." 

I smiled and hugged my sister close. 

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