Chapter Seven (SMUT)

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I stand over the chest containing Kronos and Luke sighs, walking over to me, "My love. Are you okay? Don't listen to Annabeth. I love you." 

I smiled, "I know and I love you, but Luke, does it seriously need to be this way? We can run away to wherever and make a family. Put this behind us. I have the house keys, we can get a barrier around it to where the gods can't watch us or come in without our permission."

Luke smiled and cupped my face, "I need to do this. It's my destiny. The prophecy about us will come true. Now, let's make up for the lost time."


 I giggled as Luke kissed my neck and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked into our room. "It's been too long, my love. I've missed everything about you," Luke said as he laid me down on our bed. I smiled and ran my fingers through Luke's hair, "I've missed you too, everyone told me to move on. But, I couldn't." I grinned and sat up, taking off my shirt and pants.

Luke's eyes darkened, "You knew that I would see you, you wore my favorite outfit." I was wearing a baby blue outfit that really wasn't covering anything. I smirked and got on my knees on the bed, pressing myself against Luke, "Nothing can keep me away from you, my love."

Luke smirked and undressed, and stopped me as I went to take off my bra and thong, "Tonight is about you, my love. I will make sure that you get the family you wanted." I blushed hard as Luke laid me down and kissed my neck tenderly.

I moaned as Luke found my spot and abused it, his hands softly caressing my hips. "Luke. Mmm. That feels so good." Luke chuckled and playfully growled into my neck, "You're mine." He sat up and undressed me completely, kissing down my chest and softly sucking on my breasts. I breathed heavily and cupped his head with my hand, tugging on his hair lightly. 

"These beautiful breasts will be full of milk to feed our children with," Luke said fondling my breasts lovingly. I moaned and tried to keep still. I opened my eyes to see Luke staring at me with love as he kissed down to my stomach, "This tummy will be round and swollen with our babies. I want four total and I will be there throughout the whole thing." 

I made a high-pitch moan and squirmed a little as Luke got down to my core. "And this pussy will take everything I give it. I know it's been a while, but it should be familiar with my cock." I moaned loudly, already soaked just from what Luke did. "Your dripping and just from me telling you about our future children. Does someone have a breeding and pregnancy kink?" 

I blushed, "Maybe you're the one that has those kinks. It wouldn't surprise me. Mr. Let's Have a Brig and do role play." Luke chuckled and kissed my clit softly, causing me to moan and throw my head back, "You like it." 

I moaned loudly as Luke kissed and licked all over my entrance, getting me wetter than I previously was. "You're mine, Miley Aetos," Luke growled as he ate me out. I moaned at his words, "Luke, please. I need you!" 

Luke grinned, "Patience is a virtue." I yanked Luke up and rolled him over, straddling him, "And procrastination is a bitch. I want you now, please." I pressed my clit to the tip of Luke's dick and he moaned loudly. "You've convinced me, my love." 

I giggled as Luke rolled us back over and pressed my knees up almost touching my chest. Luke grabbed his dick and lined it up with my entrance, "I'm going to fill you up with so much of my cum that you have no choice but to get pregnant." I moaned loudly as Luke pushed into me, "Oh, god. You're so big! Did you get bigger in the three years we haven't been together?" 

Luke darkly chuckled and started pounding in me, "You feel so tight, Miley. It feels so good." I moaned and started rocking against Luke, taking in his moans. "Make me pregnant with your babies, Luke." Luke moaned and started thrusting harder, then growled, "Now, tell me. Is Tyson my replacement? Would you leave me for him?" I moaned and gripped him tightly to me, "No, I would never. I only want you." 

I clenched around Luke tightly and he moaned, "Say your mine and I'll let you cum." I whimpered and raked my nails down his back, "I'm yours. Only yours. I love you." Luke kissed me deeply and whispered, "Cum for me." 

I came hard around Luke's dick and moaned when I felt Luke cum in me. I panted against Luke's neck and never let him go, while Luke hasn't pulled out of me yet. "I'm not moving until I know that my cum made it to your eggs. I want you to have my babies. I wasn't lying." 

I giggled and then moaned when he shifted, "God you still feel hard." Luke chuckled, "It's you, my love. I can't control myself around you." I grinned and straddled him, causing his dick to go deeper into me. Luke moaned and gripped my waist, "What are you doing Miley?" 

I moaned and started rocking back and forth on Luke's cock, "I'm taking what's mine. I'm making sure that you become a father. I say it will take a couple of more rounds." Luke moaned and thrust his hips up harshly, "God you're so beautiful." 

The next hour we made love again, making sure to spend all the lost time that we missed. 

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