Chapter Two

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The Next Day

I sit down at the table with a huff. Chris sat down beside me and smiles sadly, "I see you've been crying again." I shook my head, "I'm starting to think that Luke found someone else and I should move on." Chris frowns, "Don't move on, I have faith that Luke will come for you, just wait." I smile and hug Chris close, "Thank you." 

Everyone starts whispering and I look around in confusion, "What is going on?" Chris shrugs, "It seems that they're looking at Jackson's table. I kiss Chris' cheek, "I'll see you later." I missed Chris whispering, "You will also see Luke later. Sooner then you think." 

I walk over to Percy's table and sit down, "So why are you the topic of discu-" I look shocked to see a Cyclops sitting beside Percy. "Hi! I'm Tyson. You're very pretty," Tyson said. I smiled, "Thank you. I'm Miley. So how is he here?" Tyson smiled, "I'm a son of Poseidon. I'm Percy's brother." I smiled and looked at Percy, who looked a little less than pleased. 

"So, you're the big shot here, right?" Tyson asked Percy as Grover sat to my left, "You saved the world and stuff." I frowned as I saw Annabeth glaring at Percy, I know what she was thinking. About Thalia and what happened. I shared a sad look with Grover, knowing how hard it was for her to understand that Tyson couldn't harm a fly. Tyson seems like a harmless Cyclops, not like the others. 

"Hey, they put peppers in yours. Are you going to eat that?" Tyson asked Percy. "Eh, go ahead. Go ahead." Tyson quickly took Percy's plate. Grover smiles watching Tyson and Percy leans over, "Is he messing with me?" Grover chuckles, "I think he's hungry." Percy rolls his eyes, "No, not him. I meant Poseidon. Is this supposed to be some kind of joke? I mean a half-brother? A Cyclops? Come on." 

I giggle as Tyson slurps his juice box and Percy just looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Well, I think the politically correct term is 'ocularly impaired'. And a half-brother is better than nothing." I smiled and got up, "I'm heading to tend to the flowers outside the big house. Have fun. It was nice to meet you, Tyson." 

I got up and walked off to the big house. I smiled at the roses growing in a raised flower bed, picking some weeds out. "You always loved to take care of the flowers. I always imagined that you would spend your days, taking care of a garden, and watching our children run around. I come home and kiss you, saying how much I missed you," I gasped and turned around to see Luke. 

I smiled and teared up, "Lukas! You're here!" I ran over and kissed Luke hard, him wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled and cupped his cheek, "You're here. Are you staying?" Luke sighed, "I'm sorry my love. This is purely business, but you don't need to worry. You won't be in any danger." I frowned, "Are you still on this warpath?" 

Luke nodded, "I want my father to suffer for what he's done." I teared up, "Luke, please. It doesn't have to be like this." Luke kissed my lips, "I need to do this, I need to fulfill the promises to give you everything. I love you. I'll see you soon." Luke kissed me and ran off to where Percy was dragged off by the Colchis Bull. 

I sighed and watched him sadly, "I only need you." 

Luke's POV

I hated myself for leaving her there, but she deserves the world. I made so many promises and I intend to keep them. I walked over to where Percy was after he ruined my bull, "Damn it, Jackson. Do you have any idea how hard Colchis Bulls are to come by? Maybe next time you try to drown someone and lie to their fiance... You'll first make sure that he's not a demigod who can swim." 

Percy looks at me with wide eyes and grabs his sword, "Luke?" Damn, his face is all fucked up. "Turns out you're not the only half-blood who's hard to kill. You know, prophecy." I pocket the poison that I used on the barrier. "What prophecy? What are you talking about?" Percy asked confused. I look at him with a surprised look and smile, "You don't know? Huh. Well, add that to the long list of things your buddy Chiron hasn't shared with you. Chiron, Mr. D, and all the rest, they don't care about us. Miley is the only one that does. She's part of a prophecy too. She knows about that one. It's where she and I were destined to marry. Keeping me away is only delaying the unavoidable. I will come back for her, she is mine as well as I am hers. To them, we're just kids. A bunch of pawns meant to be pushed around and told what to do."

I walked around him, "I'm not the only half-blood who thinks so," I pull out my transportation disc, "Think about it. Don't try and keep Miley away from me. She will come to me or I'll come to her." I disappeared out of his sight. 

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