Chapter Four

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Miley's POV

I packed my backpack, excited to go on this quest. It sounds terrible, but I want to see Luke. I want to change his mind and have him come home. A knock on my cabin sounded and I opened the door, surprised to see Mr. D. "I brought you some ambrosia squares and some extra supplies. I know that none of us can stop you from going, just make sure Jackson, Chase, and Underwood don't die. Take care of Tyson too."

I smiled and hugged him, "You act like you don't care, but you do. I'll take care of them, I promise." Mr. D smiled and ushered me out of the cabin, "Hurry before they leave you." I kissed his cheek and ran out to the barrier, where I found the trio waiting.

"Miles! I guess we can't tell you to go back can we?" Grover called out. I smiled, "Nope. I need to make sure none of you die." Annabeth smiles, "Camp Mom saving the day again with her three idiotic kids that won't listen to their mother." Percy chuckles, "That is so accurate it's almost not funny.

I squat beside them, waiting for the patrol group to move away from in front of us when I heard some pots clanging from behind me. We all look behind us to see Tyson running to us and I hear Percy try to tell him to hush. I stand up and the patrol smiles, "We're keeping watch too." 

I duck back down, "They probably didn't fall for that one." Tyson crouches in front of Percy, "You left without me." Percy leans forward to explain to him, "Tyson, where we're going, it's very dangerous." Tyson nods, "I know. I'm not stupid. I came to help and protect Miley." I smile at him and Annabeth just looks at Tyson, "No, just dumb."

Tyson sighs, "I just want to help." He took off his glasses and I look to see how pretty his one eye is, it's a deep ocean blue. Luke's are sky blue, but even more pretty than Tyson's. "You'd do it for me," Tyson said, smiling at his brother. 

I look over the log to see the patrol moving away as Percy tries to convince Tyson to stay back. What problem Percy has with him, I'll never know, but Annabeth is less than pleased. "No, you can't because I'm not going with a Cyclops," Annabeth said after Tyson said he could talk to Polyphemus. I rolled my eyes, "Well, Grover and I sure as hell aren't going without him. So buckle up sweetheart and deal with it for now."

Annabeth looked at me hurt, "Do you know-." I pulled Annabeth aside and whispered, "Galileo, I know what happened. I understand you are hurt, but you have to remember that Tyson isn't one of them. If he was, he would have hurt any of us. I'm not saying that you have to trust him but tolerate him because he's Percy's half-brother. What would you say if Clarisse was in Tyson's position?" Annabeth looked at me, "Okay fine. You win. I will play a little nice." I sighed, "Thank you." I hugged her and then walked forward into the woods with Grover following me. 

Annabeth said something to Percy, not sure what it was. I ignored it, standing in the middle of the woods, remembering all the times that Luke and I spent out here, messing around. I turn around to see Tyson with two eyes instead of one. 

I smiled, "Tyson, your eyes are a very pretty ocean blue." Tyson blushed, "Thank you, Miley." Grover chuckled, "Sorry my friend, she's engaged." Tyson frowned, "But Annabeth said that her fiance was a no good, lying piece of a-" Grover quickly covered his mouth, "Annabeth said nothing! Miley loves her fiance and maybe she can help him." 

I frowned and looked at Annabeth who avoided my eyes. I scoffed and walked ahead of them with Tyson and Grover following me. "Grover, where are we going? What does your nose say?" Percy asked from behind me and I can hear Grover sniff, "Somewhere off the coast of Florida. South." 

I grin and whistle loudly. Annabeth stands beside me, "Over here you guys. It's a Chariot of Damnation." Annabeth smiles and Percy looks confused and Grover points, "It looks like a New York City Cab."

I rolled my eyes, "Same difference." The door opens and we all get in. "No dollars, no credit cards. Drachmas only. Exact change, please." The women said in unison. I sat beside the right window with this exact seating: Me, Tyson, Percy, Annabeth, then Grover. 

"We just had this cab sanitized for your protection." "We just did it so the bride-to-be didn't feel gross and nasty before her big day." The two out of three women said and I smiled. "Excuse me, we're trying to get to Florida," Percy said respectfully. 

The one driving smiled, "Our kind of fare. Pricey." We speed off and I giggled at the commercial that was playing. Grover buckled up, "Maybe we should have flown commercial." Annabeth yelps as we swerve. 

"Calm down. If we didn't know what we were doing.." One said and the other finished while pointing at their license, "We wouldn't be licensed." Everyone but me looks at the picture. I knew who they were, but everyone else had a problem. "They don't have eyes," Percy said in disbelief. 

I rolled my eyes as everyone screamed when the Gray Sisters turned around. "I know. Bad hair day,' One said. I smiled and looked at them, "I think it looks lovely." They smiled, "Now why can't the rest of you be as polite as Miley Aetos is? I'm starting to think that she's the only one that everyone likes." 

Grover chuckles, "Miley is the one that everyone likes. You can't be mad at her." The sisters look for the eye, "Last time I saw it, you put it in the glove compartment, Anger." Anger looked at her sister, "Don't use that tone with my name." I giggled at their bantering. 

They found it and Anger smiled, "Wasp always puts it with the keys." She turns around to show it, "And it's 20/20." Tyson smiled, "So is mine." Percy panics, "Shouldn't the driver get the eye?!" Anger turns back around and puts the eyes in, "She'll be fine." 

Everyone starts screaming, seeing a tree in front of us and Anger looks to Tempest, "Tempest split!" The car splits in half, causing Tyson and me to be on one side and Annabeth and Grover on the other. With Percy in the middle, about to be hit by the tree.

At the last moment, Tyson yanks Percy on our side and the car molds back into one. Tempest giggled, "We paid extra for that option." Wasp throws her hand up, "You know, the kid's right. The driver should have the eyeball. He's a freakin' genius!" I giggled as the Gray sisters started fighting, causing us to go hyper-speed. 

Percy closes his eyes, "We're all gonna die." Wasp turns around, "Didn't the prophecy say that you're going to make it till at least twenty?" Percy leans forward, "You know about the prophecy?" Anger looks at him, "Oh sure. We know Miley's too. The Oracle's a friend. BFFs!" 

Tempest smacks causing the eye to bounce into Percy's lap. Percy picks it up, "What do you know about the prophecies?" The sisters start fighting and reaching for it, causing Percy to hold it out the window. The sister looks at it, "No!" Then they huddle up. 

"Okay. Okay," Tempest says. Wasp looks at me, "The Olympus defender will tremble. The princess of war will wed the prince of messengers. The wedding of the century will mark the end of darkness. A time of prosperity will flourish." I smile, "That sounds good." Annabeth nods, "Very good." Anger looks at Percy, "Thirty, thirty-one, seventy-five, twelve." 

Percy looks baffled, "What?" Annabeth hands the eye back, "Percy, you got your answer." Percy snorts, "All I got were numbers." The sisters sneer at him, "Yes." "you'll know-" "When it matters." I hold onto the 'oh shit' handle and Annabeth tries to whisper to Percy, "I think we're a little short on Drachmas." 

The sisters shout, "What!?" and slam on the brakes, causing the cab to spin out and we slam down on the side of the road safely. The Gray sisters turn around, "What do you" "Think we're" "A charity?" "Get out!" We all get out of the cab and the sisters speed off, still arguing. 

"That was-" Percy trails off. "I know. Awesome!" Tyson exclaims and I giggle. "Can we go again?" Tyson looks at me and smiles. I stand there looking around, noticing that we're in Washington D.C. 

I sigh, hoping that Luke is safe. 

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