Final PT.1

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One Week Later

"It's here!" Annabeth squealed as she fixed my hair, "Your wedding of the century!" Clarisse giggled, already dressed in her outfit. Getting her to wear a dress was a pain, but I flashed my eyes and she caved.

I looked in the mirror and breathed, "Is Luke making a mistake? Am I the one for him?"

Annabeth gasped and hugged me, "How can you ask that? He was willing to destroy the world for you. You two are the perfect pair!" Clarisse smiled and hugged me, "If he leaves you today, tomorrow, or ever, I'm going to kill him for making the biggest mistake ever. He loves you and you love him." 

Aphrodite bursts into the room, "Please tell me that the bride isn't getting cold feet because the groom is stressing himself out thinking that his bride doesn't want to marry him." We all giggle and I shake my head, "I was afraid he didn't want to marry me." Aphrodite smiled and set her hands on my shoulder, looking at me in the mirror, "You may not be my daughter, but I've always considered you one. I'm telling you now that you and Luke have the best relationship of anyone I have ever seen. Don't second guess anything. I never brought you two together, you two are soulmates. Now, how about getting married before Castellan throws himself into a coma from stress?"

I smiled and nodded, "I'm ready." Aphrodite squealed and ran out of the room, shoving past my father who jumped in fear. "I'm assuming that it's time?" Dad smiled as Annabeth and Clarisse walked out the door, going to their places. 

I intertwined my arm with my father's and stood behind the entrance door. "I'm not saying that you should run away now, but are you sure that Luke Castellan is the one for you?" Ares asked with a smile. I giggled, "Yes Daddy. I've been sure for the past eight years. Do you think that the prophecy meant Clarisse?" Ares chuckled and kissed my temple, "You have all the jokes." 

The music started and the doors opened. Father and I walked forward and everyone was awed by my wedding dress.

Father and I walked down the aisle and I smiled at Luke, who was in tears smiling

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Father and I walked down the aisle and I smiled at Luke, who was in tears smiling. Zeus was marrying us, Ares was giving me away, and Aphrodite was doing the crown ribbon tying. 

Zeus smiled and gestured to everyone, "Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Luke Castellan and Miley Aetos in holy matrimony." I smiled and looked into Luke's eyes, seeing our future. Zeus smiled and set a hand on both of our shoulders, "While we all know what Luke Castellan has done, we can all look past that. Miley as his wife has promised us that she will help Luke become trustworthy once again. This wedding is just the start of a new era. Would both of you please exchange vows?"

Luke smiled and took my hands in his, "Miley Aetos, I've loved you since we were kids. The moment I arrived at camp and saw you, I knew that you were the one for me. I made a mistake trying to get revenge on everything. Thinking that you needed the world to bow to you. I realize now that you don't need the world, you just need me to stay and I need you. With this ring I, Luke Castellan, take you, Miley Aetos, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." 

I teared up and sniffled with a smile, hearing my father sob. I giggled and looked at Ares, "Are you okay?" Dad blew his nose and nodded, "Continue, please. It's just so adorable!" Everyone giggled at my father's behavior. 

I wiped my tears and kissed the back of Luke's hands, "Luke, the moment you bumped into me. I had a feeling for you. Granted, you were too shy to talk to me outright, but it was cute. Every day that we spent together, strengthened our bond and I love everything about you. I only need you and our child," I took my hands from his and set them on my stomach. Everyone gasped and my dad sobbed harder at the announcement I made.

Luke froze and looked at my stomach, "Pregnant?" I nodded and smiled, "With this ring I, Miley Aetos, take you, Luke Castellan, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." 

Luke just stared at my stomach, "Is it mine?" I snorted and looked at Zeus, "Are you serious?" Zeus chuckles, "You couldn't have waited, could you? You had to tell him." I giggled as Luke smiled and hugged me tightly, "I'm going to be a dad! Wait! I can't hug you that tight!" Luke pulled away quickly and I groaned, "It's too early for that!" 

Zeus chuckled, "Are you two done or do you not want to get married?" Luke gasped in offense, "I wish to be married. Miley, stop being distracting!" I rolled my eyes and Zeus continued, "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride! Please clap for Mr. and Mrs. Castellan and their developing child!"

Everyone cheered as Luke dipped me and kissed me passionately. I could hear my father sobbing in the background and Luke pulled away with a smile, "Miley Castellan, I love you." I smiled and stood up straight, "I love you too my husband."

Luke grinned, "I like the sound of that," He set a hand on my stomach, "And I love our child. We need more. I haven't even met our little one yet, but I love them already!"

I giggled and we walked over to our family members, ready for the reception.

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